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Maria Luisa Mangini (1936-2011)
Maria Luisa Mangini (1936-2011)
2011, oil on canvas, 24×26 cm






Maria Luisa Mangini (1936-2011) - Early Modern European Witchcraft

- Nwando Achebe; The Day I Met Ahebi Ugbabe, Female King of Engugu-Ezike, Nigeria, 2009.

- Torbjorn Aim; The Witch Trials of Finmark, Northern Norway, during the Seventeenth Century: Evidence for Ergotism as a Contributing Factor, 2003.

- Bengt Ankarloo; Early Modern European Witchcraft: Centers and Peripheries, 1990.

- Bengt Ankarloo; Witchcraft and Magic in Europe: Biblical and Pagan Societies, 2001.

- Bengt Ankarloo; Witchcraft and Magic in Europe: The Period of the Witch Trials, 2002.

- Mary Arseneau; The Culture of Christina Rossetti: Female Poetics and Victorian Contexts, 1999.

- Unal Ayranci; Menopause status and attitudes in a Turkish midlife female population: an epidemiological study, 2010.

- Michael Bailey; The Disenchantment of Magic: Spells, Charms and Superstition in Early European Witchcraft Literature, 2006.

- Dolores Barracano; The Invisible Woman: The Historian as Professional Magician, 1970.

- Wolfgang Behringer; How the Waldensians Became Witches: Heretics and Their Journey to the Other World, 2005.

- Wolfgang Behringer; The Shaman of Oberstdorf, 1998.

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- Cyrano de Bergerac; A Letter Against Witches (1654), 1969.

- Edward Bever; Old Age and Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe, 1982.

- Edward Bever; The Crisis of Confidence in Witchcraft and the Crisis of Authority, 2005.

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- Kaj Bjorkqvistt; New Trends in the Study of Female Aggression, 1992.

- Willem de Blecourt; On the Continuation of Witchcraft, 1998.

- Willem de Blecourt; The Making of the Female Witch, 2000.

- Willem de Blecourt; The Witch, her Victim, the Unwitcher and the Researcher: The Continued Existence of Traditional Witchcraft, 1999.

- Willem de Blecourt; Witch Doctors, Soothsayers and Priests. On Cunning Folk in European Historiography and Tradition, 1994.

- Markie Blumer; Leaving No Girl Behind: Clinical Intervention Effects on Adolescent Female Academic High-Risk Behaviors, 2010.

- Franz Boas; Seeking Contact with Spirits Is Not Necessarily Shamanism, 2004.

- Arno Borst; The Origin of the Witch-Craze in the Alps, 2002.

- David Brandon; Ordinary Magic: A Handbook on Counselling People with Learning Difficulties, 1990.

- Sigrid Brauner; Fearless Wives and Frightened Shrews: The Construction of the Witch in Early Modem Germany, 1995.

- Sigrid Brauner; Martin Luther on Witchcraft: A True Reformer? 2002.

- Robin Briggs; By the Strength of Fancie Witchcraft and the Early Modern Imagination, 2004.

- Robin Briggs; Circling the Devil: Witch-Doctors and Magical Healers in Early Modern Lorraine, 2001.

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- Robin Briggs; Witchcraft and Popular Mentality in Lorraine, 1580-1630, 1986.

- Hans Peter Broedel; The Malleus Maleficarum and the Construction of Witchcraft: Theology and Popular Belief, 2003.

- Michael Brown; Dark Side of the Shaman, 2004.

- Peter Buchholz; Shamanism in Medieval Scandinavian Literature, 2005.

- Carolyn Burke; Gertrude Stein, the Cone Sisters and the Puzzle of Female Friendship, 1982.

- Sona Burstein; Aspects of the Psychopathology of Old Age Revealed in Witchcraft Cases of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, 1949.

- Jean-Pierre Chaumeil; Magic Darts as Viruses2004.

- Stuart Clark; Witchcraft and Magic in Early Modern Culture, 2002.

- Andrea Cornwall; Myths to Live By? Female Solidarity and Female Autonomy Reconsidered, 2007.

- Frederick Cryer; Magic in Ancient Syria-Palestine and in the Old Testament, 2001.

- Owen Davies; The Nightmare Experience, Sleep Paralysis and Witchcraft Accusations, 2003.

- Etienne Delcambre; Witchcraft Trials in Lorraine: Psychology of the Judges1969.

- Matthew Dickie; Who Practiced Love-Magic in Classical Antiquity and in the Late Roman World? 2000.

- Johannes Dillinger; Treasure-Hunting: A Magical Motif in Law, Folklore and Mentality, Wurttemberg, 1606-1770, 2002.

- Rosalind Dixon; Female Justices, Feminism, and the Politics of Judicial Appointment: A Re-Examination, 2010.

- Fangqin Du; Explore Rural Female Elders' Old-Age-Provision Plight and Solutions: Based on Case Studies of the Rural Areas in Central China, 2009.

- Moira Dustin; Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in the UK: Challenging the Inconsistencies, 2010.

- Kathryn Edwards; Introduction: Expanding the Analysis of Traditional Belief, in Werewolves, Witches and Wandering Spirits, Traditional Belief and Folklore in Early Modern Europe, 2002.

- Mircea Eliade; Observations on European Witchcraft, in Occultism, Witchcraft and Cultural Fashions, 1976.

- Hilda Ellis Davidson; Hostile Magic in the Icelandic Sagas, 2004.

- Lee Ellis; Males, Females and Behavior: Toward a Biological Understanding, 1998.

- Peter Elmer; Towards a Politics of Witchcraft in Early Modern England, 2001.

- Giovanna Fiume; The Old Vinegar Lady or the Judicial Modernization of the Crime of Witchcraft, 1994.

- Gloria Flaherty; Sex and Shamanism in the Eighteenth Century, 1987.

- Margaret Gallucci; Burned under the Tuscan Sun: A Newly Discovered Witchcraft Document in the Archivio di Stato, 2008.

- Arnold Van Gennep; Shamanism is a Dangerously Vague Word, 2004.

- David Gentilcore; From Bishop to Witch: The System of the Sacred in Early Modem Terra d'Otranto, 1992.

- David Gentilcore; Witchcraft Narratives and Folklore Motifs in Southern Italy, 2002.

- Marion Gibson; Understanding Witchcraft? Accusers' Stories in Print in Early Modern England, 2001.

- Richard Gildrie; Visions of Evil: Popular Culture, Puritanism and the Massachusetts Witchcraft Crisis of 1692, 2002.

- Usa Glazer; Interfemale Aggression and Resource Scarcity in Cross-Cultural Perspective, 1992.

- Felicitas Goodman; The Neurophysiology of Shamanic Ecstasy, 1989.

- Patricia Gott; The Mystique of the Female Sleuth, or, How I Stopped, 2010.

- Annabel Gregory; Witchcraft, Politics and Good Neighborhood, 1991.

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- Rune Hagen; The King, the Cat and the Chaplain: King Christian IV's Encounter with the Sami Shamans of Northern Norway and Northern Russia in 1599, 2005.

- Alaric Hall; Getting Shot of Elves: Healing, Witchcraft and Fairies in the Scottish Witchcraft Trials, 2005.

- David Harley; Mental Illness, Magical Medicine and the Devil in Northern England, 1650-1700, 1989.

- Michael Harner; Magic Darts, Bewitching, Shamans and Curing Shamans, 2004.

- Jeremy Harte; Granny Takes a Trip: Drugs, Witches and the Flight to the Sabbat, 2001

- Siren Haugland; Comparing urine samples and cervical swabs for Chlamydia testing in a female population by means of Strand Displacement Assay, 2010.

- Elizabeth Heilman; Blue Wizards and Pink Witches: Representations of Gender, Identity and Power, 2003.

- Gustav Henningsen; The Ladies from the Outside: An Archaic Pattern of the Witches Sabbath1969.

- Marianne Hester; Patriarchal Reconstruction and Witch Hunting, 1998.

- Katharine Hodgkin; Reasoning with Unreason: Visions, Witchcraft and Madness in Early Modern England, 2001.

- Christina Hole; A Mirror of Witchcraft, 1957.

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- Mihaly Hoppal; Changing Image of the Eurasian Shaman, 1992.

- Ritta Jo Horsley; On the Trail of the Witches: Wise Women, Midwives and the European Witch Hunts, 1987.

- Ake Hultkrantz; The Place of Shamanism in the History of Religion, 1989.

- Imo Imeh; Daughters of Seclusion: the Ibibio Aesthetic in the Staging of a Female Icon, 2009.

- Louise Jackson; Witches, Wives and Mothers: Witchcraft Persecution and Women's Confessions in Seventeenth Century England, 2002.

- Holger Kalweit; Experiencing the Shaman's Symphony to Understand It, 2004.

- Alice Kehoe; Shamans and Religion: An Anthropological Exploration in Critical Thinking, 2000.

- Jamshed Khattak; Understading Female College Students' Mind-set towards Television Advertising in Pakistan, 2009.

- Richard Kieckhefer; Avenging the Blood of Children: Anxiety over Child Victims and the Origins of the European Witch Trials, 1998.

- Richard Kieckhefer; The Holy and the Unholy: Sainthood, Witchcraft and Magic in Late Medieval Europe, 2002.

- Richard Kieckhefer; The Specific Rationality of Medieval Magic, 2007.

- Gabor Klaniczay; Shamanistic Elements in Central European Witchcraft, 1990.

- Ulrike Krampl; When Witches Became False: Seducteurs and Credules Confront the Paris Police at the Beginning of the Eighteenth Century, 2002.

- Christina Lamer; Enemies of God: The Witch-Hunt in Scotland, 1981.

- Jean Langdon; Shamanism as the History of Anthropology, 1989.

- Claude Lecouteaux; Witches, Werewolves and Fairies: Shapeshifters and Astral Doubles in the Middle Ages, 2001.

- Brian Levack; The Decline and End of Witchcraft Prosecutions, 1999.

- Claude Levi-Strauss; Shamans as Psychoanalysts, 2004.

- Claude Levi-Strauss; The Sorcerer and His Magic. Structural Anthropology, 1963.

- Jane Lilienfeld; The Magic Spinning Wheel: Straw to Gold - Colette, Willy and Sido, 1984.

- Stuart MacDonald; In Search of the Devil in Fife Witchcraft Cases, 1560-1705, 2002.

- Lia Magale; The City in the Female Gender, 2008.

- Robert Mandrou; Magistrates and Witches in 17th Century France, 1969.

- Catherine Martin; Speech, Silence and Female Adolescence in Carson McCullers' The Heart is a Lonely Hunter and Angela Carter's The Magic Toyshop, 2009.

- William Masters; Human Sexual Responses: The Aging Female and the Aging Male, 1968.

- Peter Maxwell-Stuart; Satan's Conspiracy: Magic and Witchcraft in Sixteenth Century Scotland, 2001.

- Erik Midelfort; Heartland of the Witchcraze, 2002.

- Erik Midelfort; Were there Really Witches? 1974.

- Erik Midelfort; Witch Hunting in Southwest Germany, 1972.

- Joyce Miller; Devices and Directions: Folk Healing Aspects of Witchcraft Practice in Seventeenth Century Scotland, 2002.

- Nancy Miller; The Anamnesis of a Female, 1981.

- William Monter; Toads and Eucharists: The Male Witches of Normandy, 1564-1660, 1997.

- Chima Mordi; The role of cultural values in understanding the challenges faced by female entrepreneurs in Nigeria, 2010.

- Franco Mormando; Bernardino of Siena, popular preacher and witch-hunter: a 1426 witch trial in Rome, 2002.

- Robert Muchembled; The Witches of the Cambresis, 1979.

- Hang-Jin Na; An Inquiry of the Meaning of Leisure in the lives of Female Senior Citizens, 2009.

- June Nash; Devils, Witches and Sudden Death, 1993.

- Milan Nesic; Females and karate sport management, 2007.

- Freda Newcombe; The Female Brain: A Neuropsychological Viewpoint, 1993.

- Bodil Nildin-Wall; The Witch as Hare or the Witch's Hare: Popular Legends and Beliefs in Nordic Tradition, 1993.

- Richard Noll; Shamans, Spirits and Mental Imagery, 1997.

- Dale Olsen; Music Alone Can Alter a Shaman's Consciousness, Which Itself Can Destroy Tape Recorders, 2004.

- Maria Ortega; Sorcery and Exoticism in Love Magic, 1991.

- Fotini Pallikari; Must the Magic of Psychokinesis Hinder Precise Scientific Measurement? 2003.

- Fernando Payaguaje; A Shaman Endures the Temptation of Sorcery, 2004.

- Diane Pendragon; Coping Behaviors among Sexual Minority Female Youth, 2010.

- Maureen Perkins; The Reform of Time: Magic and Modernity, 2001.

- Jesenia Pizarro; An Examination of the Covariates of Female Homicide Victimization and Offending, 2010.

- Eva Pocs; Between the Living and the Dead: A Perspective on Witches and Seers in the Early Modern Age, 1999.

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- Eva Pocs; The Alternative World of the Witches' Sabbat, 2002.

- Beate Popkin; Wives, Mothers and Witches: The Learned Discourse about Women in Early Modern Europe, 1997.

- Roy Porter; Witchcraft and Magic in Enlightenment, Romantic and Liberal Thought, 1999.

- Neil Price; An Archaeology of Altered States: Shamanism and Material Culture Studies, 2001.

- Diane Purkiss; Sounds of Silence: Fairies and Incest in Scottish Witchcraft Stories, 2001.

- Geoffrey Robert. Quaife; Godly Zeal and Furious Rage: the Witch in Early Modern Europe, 1987.

- Kabiru Rabiu; Female reproductive tract infections: understandings and care seeking behavior among women of reproductive age in Lagos, Nigeria, 2010.

- Andrew Radford; Head-Hunting: On the Trail of the Nominal Janus, 1993.

- Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff; Shamans are Intellectuals, Translators and Shrewd Dealers, 2004.

- Mick Richardson; The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs: Flowering Plants; Magic in Bloom, 1986.

- Thomas Robischeaux; Witchcraft and Forensic Medicine in Seventeenth-century Germany, 2001.

- Lyndal Roper; Evil Imaginings and Fantasies: Child-Witches and the End of the Witch Craze, 2000.

- Lyndal Roper; Magic and the Theology of the Body: exorcism in sixteenth-century Augsburg, 1991.

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- Lyndal Roper; Witchcraft and Fantasy in Early Modern Germany, 1991.

- Robert Rowland; Fantastical and Devilish Persons: European Witch-beliefs in Comparative Perspective, 1990.

- Alison Rowlands; Witchcraft and Old Women in Early Modern Germany, 2001.

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- Wenceslas Sieroshevski; The-Man-Who-Fell-from-Heaven Shamanizes Despite Persecution, 2004.

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- Peter Skafte; Interview with a Killing Shaman, 2004.

- Alfred Soman; The Parliament of Paris and the Great Witch Hunt (1565-1640), 1978.

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- Maria Tausiet; Witchcraft as Metaphor: Infanticide and its Translations in Aragon in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, 2001.

- Marie-Louise Thomsen; Witchcraft and Magic in Ancient Mesopotamia, 2001.

- Jamie Vaske; Mechanisms Linking Depression to Delinquency for Males and Females, 2010.

- Frederick Wagman; Magic and Natural Science in German Baroque Literature, 1966.

- Catherine Waldby; From reproductive work to regenerative labour: the female body and the stem cell industries, 2010.

- Robert Walinski-Kiehl; The Devil's Children: Child Witch-Trials in Early Modern Germany, 1996.

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- Andrzej Wiercinski; On the Origins of Shamanism, 1989.

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- Louise Yeoman; The Devil as Doctor: Witchcraft, Wodrow and the Wider World, 2002.

- Arnold Zingerle; Magic and Moderne, 1987.


Maria Luisa Mangini (1936-2011) - Early Modern European Witchcraft

