milan golob


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Heliodor Rauter (1900-1980)
Heliodor Rauter (1900-1980)
2006, oil/canvas, 33×22 cm
my friend





Woman Artist - Heliodor Rauter (1900-1980)

- Cassendre Xavier; Making of a Woman Artist: A Book for Every Black Girl & Every Black Woman Who has Ever Wanted to be an Artist, Philadelphia, 2005.

- Deborah Barker; Aesthetics and Gender in American Literature: Portraits of the Woman Artist, Bucknell Univ Press, 2000.

- Estella Conwill Majozo; Come Out the Wilderness: Memoir of a Black Woman Artist, Feminist Press, 1999.

- Helen Cooper; Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Woman & Artist, Univ. NC Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1988.

- Helen Khal; The Woman Artist in Lebanon, Institute for Women's Studies in the Arab World, 1987.

- Hisako Hibi, Ibuki H. Lee; Peaceful Painter: Memoirs Of An Issei Woman Artist, Heyday Books, 2004.

- Ilya Sandra Perlingieri, Sofonisba Anguissola: The First Great Woman Artist of the Renaissance, Rizzoli, New York, 1992.

- Isabelle de Steiger; Memorabilia Reminiscences of a Woman Artist and Writer, Rider & Co. London, 1927.

- Joan King; Sarah M. Peale. America 's First Woman Artist., Boston, 1987.

- Judy Chicago; Through the Flower. My Struggle as a Woman Artist, Doubleday, 1975.

- Linda M. Lewis; Germaine De Stael, George Sand, and the Victorian Woman Artist, University of Missouri Press, 2003.

- Martha Kearns; Kathe Kollwitz: Woman Artist, The Feminist Press, New York 1976.

- Nancy Roberts; Recognitions: Images of a Woman Artist., Cambridge: Zoland Books, 1989.

- Phil Kovinick; The Woman Artist in the American West 1860-1960, Fullerton, 1976.

- Suzanne Jones; Writing The Woman Artist: Essays on Poetics, Politics and Portraiture, Philadelphia, 1991.


Woman Artist - Heliodor Rauter (1900-1980)

