milan golob


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Number Four - Rosa Wolfsohn (1865-1926)
Rosa Wolfsohn (1865-1926)
2006, oil/canvas, 25×32 cm
my friend





Number Four - Rosa Wolfsohn (1865-1926)

- Alfred Smith; Favorites Number Four: a Collection on Gospel Songs, Zondervan, 1956.

- Andrew J. da Silva; Do from the Octave of Man Number Four, New York, 1985.

- Bliss Carman; Pipes of Pan Number Four: Songs from a Northern Garden, Boston, 1904.

- Branley Wimmer; Mars: Planet Number Four, New York, 1966.

- Eduardo Del Valle & Mirta Gomez; Witness Number Four (Joy of Giving Something), Nazraeli Press, 2008.

- Greta Daniel; Useful Objects Today, Teaching Portfolio Number Four, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1954.

- Hermes; Lord of the Robbers, Homeric Hymn Number Four, Doubleday and Company, Garden City, 1971.

- Hugh M. Moss; Chinese Snuff Bottles: A Magazine for the Collector and Student of Chinese Snuff Bottles, Number Four, Roundwood Press Ltd., 1966.

- J. M. Plowman; Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society - Winter 1980, Volume Twelve, Number Four, The Antiquarian Horological Society, 1980.

- O'Sullivan; Poems, 1930-1938, Being number four of the Tower Press, Dublin, 1938.

- Paul H. Nesbitt; The Ancient Mimbrenos, Logan Museum Bulletin, Number Four, Wisconsin, 1931.

- Rita Dove; Ten Poems, The Manila Series: Number Four, The Penumbra Press, Lisbon, 1977.

- Virginia Woolf; Reviewing, With a Note by Leonard Woolf, Hogarth Sixpenny Pamphlets. Number Four, The Hogarth Press, London, 1939.

- Walter De La Mare; Number Four Joy Street, A Medley of Prose & Verse for Boys and Girls, Basil Blackwell, 1930.

- Walter Hamady; The Interminable Gabberjabb, Volume One & Number Four, Perishable Press, Mt. Horeb, 1975.

- Will H. Bradley; Bradley: His Book, Number Four of Volume One, The Wayside Press, Springfield, 1896.

- William Heacock; The Glass Collector, the Fire of Ruby Glassware, Issue Number four, 1982.


Number Four - Rosa Wolfsohn (1865-1926)

