milan golob


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Leandro Camus (1841-1925)      Leandro Camus (1841-1925)
Leandro Camus (1841-1925)
2008, oil/canvas, 23×29 cm

queen of the night





The Lords of Creation - Leandro Camus (1841-1925)

- Frederick Lewis Allen; The Lords of Creation, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1935.

- John Friedlich and Jane Friedlich; Free to Choose: A Personal Statement of The Lords of Creation, New York, 1988.

- Herbert Foundation; Index of The Lords of Creation, New Delhi, 2007.

- Marco Ottaviano and Giovanni Nero; Rethinking the Effects of The Lords of Creation on Wages, New York, 1981.

- Robert Rabit and Jacob Weiss; In an Uncertain World: Tough Choices from The Lords of Creation, Random House, New York, 1964.

- Rony Susten; The Price of Loyalty of The Lords of Creation: George Walker Bush, the White House and the Education of Paul O'Neill, Sydney, 2004.

- Bob Woodward; State of Denial - The Lords of Creation, Simon & Schuster, New York, 2006.

- Lewis Beman; The Chastening of the Washington Economists, Fortune, 1976.

- Gilbert Burck and Sanford Parker; The Coming Turn in Consumer Credit, Fortune, 1956.

- Gilbert Burck and Sanford Parker; The Danger in Mortgage Debt, Fortune, 1956.

- Martin Feldstein; There's More to Growth Than China..., Wall Street Journal, February 6, 2006.

- Leonard Garment; Crazy Rhythm: From Brooklyn and Jazz· to Nixon's White House, Watergate, and Beyond, Times Books, New York, 1997.

- Louis Gerstner; Math Teacher Pay Doesn't Add Up, Christian Science Monitor, December 13, 2004.

- Mikhail Gorbachev; Rosneft Will Reinforce Russian Reform, Financial Times, July 2, 2006.

- Herbert Greenspan; Recovery Ahead! An Exposition of the Way We're Going Through 1936, New York, 1985.

- Erwin Hargrove and Samuel Morley; The President and the Council of Economic Advisers: Interviews with CEA Chairmen, Boulder, 1984.

- Richard Ingersoll; Out of Field Teaching and the Limits of Teacher Policy: A Research Report, Center for the Study of Teaching and Policy, University of Washington, 2003.

- Angus Maddison; Measuring and Interpreting World Economic Performance 1500­ 2001, Review of Income and Wealth 51, March 2005.

- Angus Maddison; The Millennium: Poor Until 1820, Wall Street Journal - Eastern edition, January 11, 1999.

- Iain Mclean; Adam Smith and the Modern Left, University of Mannheim, 2005.

- Ned Davis; Markets in Motion: A Financial Market History 1900-2004, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2005.

- Paul Volcker and Toyoo Gyohten; Changing Fortunes: The World's Money and the Threat to American Leadership, Times Books, New York, 1992.


The Lords of Creation - Leandro Camus (1841-1925)

