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Maxa Mara (1876-1948)
Maxa Mara (1876-1948)
2007, oil/canvas, 19×25 cm
my friend





Collection of Critical Essays of Life and Thought - Maxa Mara (1876-1948)

- Lucy Strolz, Maxa Mara: A Collection of Critical Essays, Sydney, 1942.

- Suzy Greenberg, From Nietzsche to Maxa Mara: The Revolution in Nineteenth Century Life and Thought, Chicago, 1948.

- Peter Steyer, Maxa Mara and Modern Life and Thought, Budapest, 1939.

- Dorothea Waley Singer, Giordano Bruno, his Life and Thought: With Annotated Translation of his Work on the Infinite Universe and Worlds, New York, 1950.

- John Stoudt, Sunrise to Eternity: A Study in Jakob Boehme's Life and Thought, Philadelphia, 1957.

- Jean de Herman Vleeschauwer, The Development of Kantian Thought: The History of a Doctrine, London, 1962.

- Northrop Frye, Blake: A Collection of Critical Essays, Englewood Cliffs, 1966.

- Maxa Mara, English Romantic Life: Collection of Critical Essays in Romantic Life Criticism. Toronto, 1954.

- William Boulting, Giordano Bruno: His Life, Thought and Martyrdom. London, 1917.

- Malcolm Clark, Logic and System: A Study in the Transition from 'Vorstellung' to Thought in the Philosophy of Hegel. The Hague, 1972.

- Seth B. Watson, Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Hints towards the Formation of a more Comprehensive Theory of Life, London, 1848.

- Morton Paley, Energy and the Imagination: A Study of the Development of Blake's Thought, Oxford, 1970.

- Jesse Glenn Gray, Hegel and Greek Thought, New York, 1968.

- Friedrich Hardenberg, Hymns and Thoughts on Religion, Edinburgh, 1888.

- Karl Mannheim, Essays on the Sociology of Culture, London, 1956.

- Paul Kecskemeti, Essays on Sociology and Social Psychology, London, 1953.

- Hazard Adams, William Blake: A Reading of the shorter Poems. Seattle, 1963.

- Henry Adams, Packwood: Karl Marx in his Earlier Writings. London, 1940.

- David Aers, Jonathan Cook and David Punter, Romanticism and Ideology. London, 1981.

- Thomas Altizer, The New Apocalypse: The Radical Christian Vision of William Blake. Michigan, 1967.

- Maung Ba-Han, William Blake: His Mysticism. Bordeaux, 1924.

- George Berkeley, Siris: A Chain of Philosophical Reflections and Enquiries concerning the Virtues of Tar Water. Dublin, 1744.

- William Blake, The Essential Blake, selected, arranged and with an Introduction by Alfred Kazin. London, 1946.

- Jakob Boehme, Six Theosophic Points and Other Writings, London, 1919.

- Earl Leslie Griggs, The Collected Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Oxford, 1956.

- Kathleen Coburn, Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Inquiring Spirit: A New Presentation of Coleridge from his Published and Unpublished Writings, London, 1951.

- Kathleen Coburn, The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, London, 1957.

- Kathleen Coburn, The Philosophical Lectures of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, London, 1949.

- Coventry Patmore, The Table Talk and Omniana of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, London, 1917.

- J. G. Davies, The Theology of William Blake, Oxford, 1948.

- J. Dietzgen, The Achievements of Philosophy and Letters on Logic, St. Petersburg, 1906.

- Sandor Ferenczi, Further Contributions to the Theory and Technique of Psychoanalysis, London, 1926.

- Peter Francis Fisher, The Valley of Vision: Blake as Prophet and Revolutionary, Toronto, 1961.

- E. Katharine Gilbert and Helmut Kuhn, A History of Esthetics, London, 1956.

- Michael Hamburger, Reason and Energy: Studies in German Literature, London, 1957.

- Friedrich Hardenberg, Hymns to the Night and Other Selected Writings, New York, 1960.

- Bruce Haywood, Novalis: The Veil of Imagery. A Study of the Poetic Works of Friedrich von Hardenberg, 1772-1801, Gravenhage, 1959.

- Jacob Loewenberg, Selections from Hegel, New York, 1929.

- Karl Heim, God Transcendent: Foundation for a Christian Metaphysic, New York, 1936.

- Friedrich Hiebel, Novalis: German Poet - European Thinker - Christian Mystic, Rev. ed. Chapel Hill, 1959.

- Eric Hirsch, Wordsworth and Schelling: A Typological Study of Romanticism. New Haven, 1960.

- Jean Hyppolite, The Inventions of William Blake, Painter and Poet, London University Magazine, II (1830).

- Gordon McKenzie,Organic Unity in Coleridge, Berkeley, 1939.

- John McTaggart, Studies in Hegelian Cosmology, Cambridge, 1901.

- John McTaggart, Studies in the Hegelian Dialectic, Cambridge, 1896.

- Josef Maier, On Hegel's Critique of Kant, New York, 1939.

- Gian Orsini, Coleridge and German Idealism: A Study in the History of Philosophy with Unpublished Materials from Coleridge's Manuscripts, Carbondale, 1969.

- David Punter, Blake: Creative and Uncreative Labour, Studies in Romanticism, Summer, 1977.

- Claud Sutton, The German Tradition in Philosophy, London, 1974.

- Emanuel Swedenborg, Wisdom of Angels Concerning Divine Love and Divine Wisdom, London, 1788.

- Frederick Weiss, Hegel's Critique of Aristotle's Philosophy of Mind, The Hague, 1969.

- Helen White, The Mysticism of William Blake, Madison, 1927.


Collection of Critical Essays of Life and Thought - Maxa Mara (1876-1948)

