milan golob


drawings 1 2 3 4 5 5

MILAN GOLOB - Cultural Response to Sociology of Music
Natalija AD29CA41
2010; graphite, charcoal, eraser on paper, 21×15 cm





Cultural Response to Sociology of Music

- Ali Abasov; The culture of civil society - culture in civil society, 2004.

- Lila Abu-Lughod; The Active Social Life of Muslim Women's Rights: A Plea for Ethnography, Not Polemic, with Cases from Egypt and Palestine, 2010.

- Attila Agocs; From text to social phenomenon. How the theme - method relationship changes during the work on diploma thesis, 2004.

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- Michael Braddick; State Formation and Social Change in Early Moodern England: A Problem Stated and Approaches Suggested, 1991.

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- Stuart Clark; Protestant Demonology: Sin, Superstition and Society (c. 152O - c. 1630), 2002.

- Julie Cobb; Psychosocial Stress and Susceptibility to Upper Respiratory Tract Illness in an Adult Population Sample, 1996.

- Moncrieff Cocchran; Extending Families: The Social Networks of Parents and Children, 1990.

- Richard Cohen; Sociology and Morality: Comments on a paper by Dornbusch and Thomas, 1995.

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- Brian Craham; Pluralising Past: Heritage, Identity and Place in Multicultural Societies, 2007.

- McGarty Craig; Stereotypes as Explanations: The Formation of Meaningful Beliefs about Social Groups, 2002.

- Rob Cross; Best Practice A Practical Guide to Social Networks, 2005.

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- Dorien DeTombe; Analysing the post-communist situation with Compram: a method to analyse complex interdisciplinary societal problems, 1995.

- Johannes Dillinger; American Spiritualism and German Sectarianism, A Comparative Study of the Societal Construction of Ghost Beliefs, 2001.

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- Miroslav Dopita; Sources and Origin of the Concept of the Knowledge-Based Society, 2010.

- Veselin Draskovic; Imitation of the Postsocialistics Institutionalization, 2004.

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- Karel Frasch; Volumetric abnormalities associated with cognitive deficits in patients with schizophrenia: a voxel based morphometry study, 2008.

- Holdegard Froehlich; Sociology for Music Teachers: Perspectives for Practice, 2007.

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- Lauren Gentile; Supervision for Social Change: A Feminist Ecological Perspective, 2010.

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- Henry Giroux; Benetton's World Without Borders: Buying Social Change, 1994.

- Franco Gisuti; Italian Futurism as a Sociolinguistic Phenomenon, 1991.

- James Given; State and Society in Medieval Europe: Gwynedd and Languedoc Under Outside Rule, 1990.

- Nicholas Glytsos; Problems and Policies Regarding the Socio-economic Integration of Returnees and Foreign Workers in Greece, 1995.

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- Mikola Gricenok; The Basic Courses of the Social Defence of Population in the Ukraine, 1997.

- Edward Groenland; Structural Elements of Material Well-Being: An Empirical Test Among People on Social Security, 1990.

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- Robert James Hattam; Reconciliation as a resource for pedagogy Paper for the Australian Association for Research in Education, 2006.

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- Robert James Hattam; Voiced research as sociology for understanding dropping out of school, 2001.

- Panos Hatziprokopiou; Albanian Immigrants in Thessaloniki, Greece: Process of Economic and Social Incorporation, 2003.

- Thomas Head; The Peace of God: Social Violence and Religious Response around the Year 1000, 1992.

- Jeff Hearn; Gendered and Social Hierarchies in Problem Representation and Policy Processes: Domestic Violence in Finland and Scotland, 2010.

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- Harvey Irwin; The Disembodied Self: An Empirical Study of Dissociation and the Out-of-Body Experience, 2000.

- Antoni Jarosz; Socio-Economic Problems of Rural Tourism in Podkarpacie Province, 2001.

- Fiona Jenkins; Strangers Inside: Figures of Allegiance and Association, 2011.

- Andrzej Juros; A Model of Preventive Measures of Avert Social Conflicts on the Grounds of Ecology, 1995.

- Janez Justin; Psychological, Anthropological and Philosophical-Sociological Foundations of Moral Education in Slovenia, 1995.

- Robert Jutte; The Social Construction of Illness in the Early Modern Period, 1992.

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- William Kiernan; Employment: A necessary Social Policies for Persons with Disabilities, 1997.

- Rees-Kang Kim; Luck and the Gendered Social Structure, 2010.

- Young Bum Kim; Type of Social Activity and Morale in Later Life: A Comparison between Male and Female, 2009.

- Gabor Klaniczay; Witch-Hunting in Hungary: Social or Cultural Tensions? 1990.

- Jacob Van Kokswijk; Digital Ego: Social and Legal Aspects of Virtual Identity, 2007.

- Janos Kornai; Disciplines of Social Sciences: Separation or Cooperation? 2007.

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- Zinaida Kozenko Nikolaevna; Principles and Values of Credit Cooperation as Socially Responsible Sector of Russian Economy, 2010.

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Cultural Response to Sociology of Music
