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La formation des grands domaines au Mexique
My Friends (paintings) and Natalija (drawings)
2006, gallery equrna, ljubljana, slovenia

my friend





La formation des grands domaines au Mexique

- Francois Chevalier; La formation des grands domaines au Mexique: terre et societe aux XVIe-XVIIe siecles, Paris, 1952.

- Lillian Fisher; The background of the revolution for Mexican independence, Boston, 1934.

- Lillian Fisher; The intendant system in Spanish America, Berkeley, 1929.

- Alfred Hasbrouck; Foreign legionaries in the liberation of Spanish South America, New York, 1928.

- Robert Humphreys; The historiography of the Spanish American revolutions, The Hispanic American historical review 36, 1956.

- Carlos Quesada Zapiola; Catalogo de la documentacion referente a las relaciones diplomliticas entre Estados Unidos de America y la Republica Argentina, Buenos Aires, 1948.

- Fred Rippy, Rivalry of the United States and Great Britain over Latin America (1808-1830). Baltimore, 1929.

- Pedro Riva-Zucchelli; Historia de la independencia de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay. Montevideo, 1934.

- Daniel Cosio Villegas; Historia moderna de Mexico, Mexico, 1955.

- Charles Cumberland; Mexican Revolution: genesis under Madero. Austin, 1952.

- Walter Scholes; Mexican politics during the Juarez regime, 1855-1872. Columbia, 1957.

- Pedro Chamorro; Historia de la Federacion de la America Central, 1823-1840, Madrid, 1951.

- Romulo Duron; Bosquejo Historico de Honduras, Tegucigalpa, 1956.


La formation des grands domaines au Mexique - My Friends and Natalija

