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Helen Escobedo (1934-2010)
Helen Escobedo (1934-2010)
2011, oil on canvas, 33×32 cm






Helen Escobedo (1934-2010) - Utilitarianism and Punishment - Appliance Efficiency

- David Artiss; Theodor Storm - Studies in ambivalence: Symbol and myth in his narrative fiction, 1978.

- Terry Atherton; Rebates, Loans, and Customers' Choice of Appliance Efficiency Level: Combining Stated- and Revealed-Preference Data, 1995.

- Jon Barwise; Generalized Quantifiers and Natural Languages, 1981.

- Eva Maria Belser; Transboundary local governance in Switzerland, 2009.

- Bernard Bergonzi; Reading the Thirties: Texts and Contexts, 1978.

- Mark Bevir; The Role of Contexts in Understanding and Explanation, 2000.

- Marianna Birnbaum; Jew in the Foliage, 2009.

- Dwight Bolinger; Intonation Across Languages, 1978.

- Roger Brinner; Optimizing Tax Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gases without Curtailing Growth, 1991.

- David Buisseret; Sully and the Growth of Centralized Government in France, 1968.

- Marija Bursac; Challenges of Investments: Corporate Governance in Serbia, 2007.

- Christopher Butler; The Pleasures of the Experimental Text, 1984.

- Gerard Caprio; Rethinking Bank Regulation: Till Angels Govern, 2007.

- Chin-sung Chang; Mountains and Rivers, Pure and Splendid: Wang Hui (1632-1717) and the Making of Landscape Panoramas in Early Qing China, 2004.

- Roger Chartier; Text, symbol and Frenchness, 1989.

- Amy Chien; Is Chine Ready for Monet? 2000.

- Richard Cohen; Benamozegh and Levinas on Jewish Universalism, 2001.

- Richard Cohen; Difficulty and Mortality: Two Notes on Reading Levinas, 2000.

- Richard Cohen; The Face of Truth in Rosenzweig, Levinas and Jewish Mysticism, 1990.

- Richard Cohen; The Universal in Jewish Particularism: Benamozegh and Levinas, 2003.

- Haim Cohn; Ghosts of Punishment, 1987.

- Clare Colquitt; Unpacking Her Treasures: Edith Wharton's Mysterious Correspondence with Morton Fullerton, 1985.

- Anna Coombes; Virginia Woolf's The Waves: A Materialist Reading of an Almost Disembodied Voice, 1936.

- Robert Dahl; Government and Oppositions in Western Democracies, 1966.

- Michael Davis; Punishment as Language, 1991.

- Louise DeSalvo; To Make Her Mutton at Sixteen: Rape, Incest and Child Abuse in The Antiphon, 1991.

- Ljiljana Dragisia; Croatian Textile Industry on Tuning Point - From Survival to Growth, 2007.

- Ulla Dydo; Must Horses Drink - or, Any Language Is Funny If You Don't Understand It, 1985.

- Ulla Dydo; To Make a Sentence in Vincennes, 1984.

- Anthony Edward Dyson; Evelyn Waugh and the Mysteriously Disappearing Hero, 1965.

- Umberto Eco; Lector in Fabula: Pragmatic Strategy in a Metanarrative Text, 1979.

- George Edwards; Government in America, 1998.

- David Elkind; The Hurried Child: Growing Up Too Soon, 1981.

- Denny Ellerman; The Efficiency and Robustness of Allowance Banking in the Acid Rain Program, 2007.

- Rüstem Ertug Altmay; Fear and Loathing in the Republic: The Mystery Around Lathe Hanim's Archives, 2009.

- Martin Everaert; Contextual Determination of the Anaphor/Pronominal Distinctions, 1991.

- Joanne Faulkner; Irigaray's Reading of Nietzsche, 2008.

- Joanne Faulkner; Making Something Out of Nothing, 2003.

- Joanne Faulkner; Reading Love in Irigaray's Marine Lover, 1999.

- Joanne Faulkner; Voices from the Depths: Reading Love in Luce Irigaray's Marine Lover, 2003.

- Joanne Faulkner; Vulnerability and the Passing of Childhood in Bill Henson: Innocence in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, 2009.

- Keith Felton; Warrior's Words: A Consideration of Language and Leadership, 1995.

- Raymond Fisman; Are corruption and taxation really harmful to growth? Firm level evidence, 2007.

- Adam Fraczek; Patterns of Aggressive-Hostile Behavior Orientation among Adolescent Boys and Girls, 1992.

- William Franke; Reader's Application and the Moment of Truth, 1997·

- Mark Franklin; The Institutional Context: Turnout, 1996.

- Scott Fritzen; Linking context and strategy in donor support for decentralisation: a diagnostic framework, 2007.

- Carolyn Gage; The Inconvenient Truth about Teena Brandon, 2010.

- Dermot Gately; OPEC's Incentives for Faster Output Growth, 2004.

- Clifford Geertz; Toutes Directions: Reading the Signs in an Urban Sprawl, 1989.

- Tom Gervasi; The Myth of Soviet Military Supremacy, 1986.

- Deborah Gewertz; Myths of Matriarchy Reconsidered, 1988.

- Karuna Gomane; Aid, Government Expenditure, and Aggregate Welfare, 2005.

- Doris Goodwin; Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream, 1991.

- Jorge Gracia; Text and Their Interpretation, 1990.

- Pamela Hadas; Spreading the Difference: One Way to Read Gertrude Stein's Tender Buttons, 1978.

- Kenneth Hale; Warlpiri and the Grammar of Non-Configurational Languages, 1983.

- Werner Hamacher; Lingua Amissa: The Messianism of Commodity-Language and Derrida's Specters of Marx, 1999.

- Barbara Hardy; Dylan Thomas: An Original Language, 2000.

- William Helmreich; The Things They Say Behind Your Back: Stereotypes and the Myths Behind Them, 1984.

- John Herbert; Noisy Data and Uncertain Coefficients: A Comment, 1989.

- Peter Herman; Sir Philip Sidney's an apology for poetry and Astrophil and Stella: texts and contexts, 2001.

- Ray Eldon Hiebert; The Voice of Government, 1968.

- Alfred Hoelzel; Paul Celan: An Authentic Jewish Voice? 1987.

- Bingyi Huang; From Chu to Western Han: Re-reading Mawangdui, 2005.

- Mihaela Hudelja; Why Jews did not Settle Down in Slovenia? Stereotypes of Jews and Ahasuerus in Slovenia, 1996.

- John Hutchinson; Myth against myth: the nation as ethnic overlay, 2004.

- Ray Hyman; The Mischief-Making of Ideomotor Action, 1999.

- Milka Ivic; Non-Omissible Determiners in Slavic Languages, 1964.

- Michael Jackson; On Ethnographic Truth, 1987.

- Robert James Hattam; Girls in Science: A Position Paper, 1987.

- Robert James Hattam; Girls, Self-Esteem and Assessment, 1986.

- Saumitra Jha; Governance in the Gullies: Democratic Responsiveness and Leadership in Delhi's Slums, 2007.

- Aleksandar Joksimovic; Growth of the Red Mullet, 2008.

- Aleksandar Joksimovic; Growth parameters of Red mullet, 2007.

- William Chester Jordan; The French Monarchy and the Jews: From Philip Augustus to the Last Capetian, 1989.

- Sergej Kapus; Metamorphosis and Myth, 1997.

- Michael Kenny; The Proof is in the Passion: Emotion as an Index of Veridical Memory, 1998.

- Daniel Khazzoom; Impact of Pay-at-the-Pump on Safety Through Enhanced Vehicle Fuel Efficiency, 1997.

- Lov Kher; Noisy Data and Uncertain Coefficients: A Reply, 1989.

- Andrew Kingsley Weatherhead; A Reading of Henry Green, 1961.

- Jeff Kowalski; The House of the Governor, a Maya Palace at Uxmal, Yucatan, Mexico, 1981.

- Monika Kropej; The Legends of Goldenhorn and the Mythology of Slovenian Alps, 2005.

- Tanja Lamovec; Rating Scales for Emotions, 1985.

- Susan Snaider Lanser; Speaking in Tongues: Ladies Almanac and the Language of Celebration, 1979.

- Jacquelyn Lewis-Harris; Making Sense in a Chaotic Space, 2010.

- Michele Lobo; Negotiating emotions, rethinking otherness in suburban Melbourne, 2010.

- Robert Major; A Reading of Hannah Arendt's - Unusual Distinction between Labor and Work, 1979.

- Pete Mandik; Androids will not dream..., 1997.

- Michel Marie; It Really Makes You Sick: Jean-Luc Godard's A Bout de Souffle, 1990.

- Giuliana Mazzoni; Dreaming, Believing and Remembering, 1998.

- Mark Morss; The Incidence of Welfare Losses Due to Appliance Efficiency Standards, 1989.

- Mwangi Mumero; Kenyans are making the most of the tourist attractions on their own doorstep, 2007.

- Robert Noland; Motor Vehicle Fuel Efficiency and Traffic Fatalities, 2004.

- Agnieszka Olechnicka; Spatial aspects of collaborative networks in science: Lessons from Poland, 2010.

- Stephane Pallage; Buying out child labor, 2007.

- Paul Parfomak; How Many Kilowatts are in a Negawatt?: Verifying Ex Post Estimates of Utility Conservation Impacts at the Regional Level, 1996.

- Jenifer Parker; Comparing the Content of Sleep Paralysis and Dream Reports, 2002.

- Igor Primoratz; Expressive Rationale of Punishment, 1999.

- Igor Primoratz; On Capital Punishment, 1982.

- Igor Primoratz; Punishment as Language, 1989.

- Igor Primoratz; Utilitarianism and Punishment of the Innocent, 1980.

- Igor Primoratz; Utilitarianism and Punishment, 1982.

- Drago Pupavac; Spreadsheets on Function of Optimisation of Logistics Network, 2007.

- Timothy Riggs; Hieronymus Cock (1510-1570): Printmaker and Publisher in Antwerp at the Sign of the Four & Winds, 1971.

- Libby Rittenberg; Sources of Labor Productivity Variation in the Surface Coal Mining Industry, 1960-1967, 1987.

- Adam Rose; Interregional Sharing of Conservation Targets in China: Efficiency and Equity, 2009.

- Alfred Rosenberg; The Myth Of The Twentieth Century, An Evaluation Of The Spiritual-Intellectual Confrontations Of Our Age, 1930.

- Neil Schmitz; Portrait, Patriarchy, Mythos: The Revenge of Gertrude Stein, 1978.

- Saundra Schneider; Administrative Breakdowns in the Governmental Response to Hurricane Katrina, 2005.

- Leslie Sebba; On Capital Punishment - A Comment, 1982.

- Lauren Shohet; Reading Dark Materials, 2005.

- Orjan Sjoberg; Underurbanisation and the Zero Urban Growth Hypotheses: Diverted Migration in Albania, 1992.

- Vinko Skafar; Contribution of the Radgona Capuchin Friars to Preservation of the Slovenian Language in the 17th and 18th Century, 2003.

- Robert Solomon; Back to Basics: On the Very Idea of Basic Emotions, 2003.

- Ronald de Sousa; Self-deceptive Emotions, 1980.

- Elaine Stillerman; Back Labor, 2010.

- Susan Rubin Suleiman; The Question of Readability in Avant-Garde Fiction, 1982.

- Julian Symons; The Thirties: A Dream Revolved, 1975.

- Marjolein t'Hart; Cities and Statemaking in the Dutch Republic, 1580-1680, 1989.

- Sakiko Tanaka; Parental leave and child health across OECD countries, 2005.

- James Vann; The Making of a State: Wurttemberg, 1593-1793, 1984.

- Olivera Vasic; The Wide-Spread Name of the Game Trojan in the Territory of Serbia, 2010.

- Andrea Veltman; Simone de Beauvoir and Hannah Arendt on Labor, 2010.

- Anna Vemer Andrzejewski; Postwar Suburbs and the American Dream Revisited, 2007.

- Anna Vemer Andrzejewski; Surveillance and Efficiency in the Workplace, 1998.

- Anna Vemer Andrzejewski; The Eye of Efficiency: Surveillance in the Architecture of Work, 2001

- Elyssa Warkentin; Jack the Ripper Strikes Again: The Ipswich Ripper and the vice girls he killed, 2010.

- David Wessel; Small-Government Rhetoric Gets Filed Away, 2005.

- Theodore White; American in Search of Itself: The Making of the President 1956-1980, 1988.

- Igor Zagar; Does Context Really Matter? 2000.

- Alessandro Zucchi; The Language of Proposition and Events, 1993.


Helen Escobedo (1934-2010) - Utilitarianism and Punishment - Appliance Efficiency

