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The Basic Theory of My Wife 2010, Gallery of Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia |
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Middle Schooling: Implications for Learning Students- George Ansalone; Tracking in The Schools. Perceptions and Attitudes of Parents, 2010. - Sulhattin Arslan; Habitual snoring in primary schoolchildren: prevalence, risk factors and school performance, 2010. - Ragui Assaad; The Effect of Domestic Work on Girls' Schooling: Evidence from Egypt, 2010. - Claudia von Aufschnaiter; How to interact with students? The role of teachers in a learning situation, 1999. - Sarah Baughan Public school teachers' views on how they are portrayed in the media, 2007. - Rafael Blanco; Baroque Tower on a Gothic Base: A Lakatosian Reconstruction of Students' and Teachers' Understanding of Structure of the Atom, 1998. - Franz Bogner; Empirical evaluation of an educational conservation programme introduced in Swiss secondary schools, 1999. - William Boone; Science and Mathematics Instructional Time in an Urban Setting: Differences and Similarities Among Private and Public Schools, 2009. - Ljubisa Bozic; Identification of natural processes with boys of higher grades of primary school, 2007. - Jelena Bugarski; The Relationship Between Teachers and Students at the Faculty of Philology: Actual Situation and Possibility of Changes, 2007. - Muammer Calik; A Comparison of Level of Understanding of Grade 8 Students and Science Student Teachers Related to Selected Chemistry Concepts, 2005. - Muammer Calik; A Review of Solution Chemistry Studies: Insights into Students' Conceptions, 2005. - Robert Chang; Making Up Is Hard to Do: Race/Gender/Sexual Orientation in the Law School Classroom, 2010. - Minhaeng Cho, Wook-Dong Kwon and Yong-Bae Jeon; Are Korean Secondary School Girls Physically Active During Leisure Time? 2010. - Sharon Cohen; New Orleans' Troubled Schools Get Overhaul, 2006. - Aytekin Cokelez; Atom and Molecule: Upper Secondary School French Students' Representations in Long-term Memory, 2000. - Anna Cycon; Future Time Perspective and Quality of Life Among High School Students, 1998. - N. Dede; Remediation of grade 7 students' alternative conceptions of structure of atom topic, 2006. - Peter Dines; Overcoming the second-language deficits of non-German students, 1999. - Lubomir Dolezel; Structuralism of the Prague School, 1995. - Jaap Dronkers; Choice and Effectiveness of Private and Public Schools in seven countries. Areanalysis of three PISA datsets, 2009. - Charles Elster; The Seeker of Secrets: Images of Learning, Knowing, and Schooling, 2003. - Lire Ersado; Child Labor and Schooling Decisions in Urban and Rural Areas: Comparative Evidence from Nepal, Peru, and Zimbabwe, 2005. - Haim Eshach; Students' Conceptions about Atoms and Atom-Bonding, 2001. - Chi-Keung Victor Fung; College students' preferences for world music, 1994. - Michaela Gläser-Zikuda; Emotions and learning strategies at school - opportunities of qualitative content analysis, 2001. - Michaela Glaser-Zikuda; Learning and emotion: A qualitative study with 8th grade students, 2001. - Michaela Glaser-Zikuda; The impact of teachers' instructional strategies and students' anxiety level on students' achievement in eight grade German and U, S, classrooms, 2000. - Bulent Gokce; An Assessment of Oral Health Status and Dental Plaque of Non-Dental School Students in Turkey, 2010. - Fabio Gonzalez; Diagnosis of Spanish Primary School Students Common Alternative Science Concepts, 1997. - Janet Goodwin; Understanding Secondary School Science: A Perspective of the Graduate Scientists Beginning Teacher, 1995. - Alison Greenham; A case study investigation of strategies used by 3 Adelaide metropolitan primary schools to increase attendance rates, 2004. - Kathleen Griffiths; Grade-12 Students' Misconceptions Relating to Fundamental Characteristics of Atom and Molecules, 1992. - Aysegul Gunduz; Concept of Atom and Molecule on the Primary and Secondary Education Students, 2001. - Robert James Hattam; Accounting for youth lives in and around post-compulsory schooling, 1997. - Robert James Hattam; Becoming somebody without school, 2000. - Robert James Hattam; Community as curriculum: beyond the hermetically sealed school, 2003. - Robert James Hattam; Connecting Curriculum with student lifeworlds, 2007. - Robert James Hattam; Connecting curriculum with student lifeworlds: resources for innovation in Australian Middle Schooling, 2007. - Robert James Hattam; Designing a collaborative research project as a space for the enunciation of the subjugated knowledges of early school leavers, 1998. - Robert James Hattam; Dropping Out, Drifting Off, And Being Excluded: Becoming Somebody Without School, 2004. - Robert James Hattam; Early school leaving, 2008. - Robert James Hattam; Enhancing School-Community Dialogue, 1999. - Robert James Hattam; Evaluation the LaN Tests used in South Australian Schools, 2004. - Robert James Hattam; Facilitation and Evaluation of the Implications Forum of the School-Based Research and Reform Project, 1999. - Robert James Hattam; Finding the denunciative space for teacher leadership and teacher learning in schools, 1997. - Robert James Hattam; High School Curriculum Reform: Increasing Retention and Rigour through engaging teachers in critically reflective practice, 1995. - Robert James Hattam; Learning about Reporting: The Student Progress Conference at Ingle Farm East School, 1999. - Robert James Hattam; Learning to teach the virtual class: Teachers' Learning in the Open Access College Senior Secondary School of Distance Education, 1999. - Robert James Hattam; Listen to Me I'm Leaving: Early School Leaving in South Australian Secondary Schools, 2000. - Robert James Hattam; Maintaining a Rigorous Curriculum in an Isolated Community: Teachers' Learning at Indulkana Aboriginal School, 1999. - Robert James Hattam; Middle-Schooling From the Ground Up: Seaford 6-12 School, 1999. - Robert James Hattam; Not everyone has a perfect life: Becoming somebody without school, 2003. - Robert James Hattam; Placing Girls at the Centre of Curriculum: Teachers' Learning at Gepps Cross Girls High School, 1999. - Robert James Hattam; Poor Prospects for public schooling, 2004. - Robert James Hattam; Promoting Student Voices, 1999. - Robert James Hattam; Proper teacher training holds the answers to whole school reform, 2000. - Robert James Hattam; Putting the home back into homework: an example of middle school reform, 2007. - Robert James Hattam; Reclaiming an educator's view of reform in schools: Whole school reform as a site of negotiation of interests, 1997. - Robert James Hattam; Remembering teachers learning in the devolving school, 2000. - Robert James Hattam; School reform and Howard's way, 1999. - Robert James Hattam; School reform and the middle years, 2000. - Robert James Hattam; Schooling for a Fair Go, 1998. - Robert James Hattam; Schooling should be a phase in its own right, 1987. - Robert James Hattam; Schools as Critical Collaborative Communities, 1996. - Robert James Hattam; Schools as Critical Collaborative Communities: The Valley Cluster Project, 1994. - Robert James Hattam; Students Building Just Communities, 2003. - Robert James Hattam; Sustaining a Debate about Teaching and Learning in Schools, 1995. - Robert James Hattam; Sustaining a School as a Learning Community: Teachers' Learning at Hackham West Schools, 1999. - Robert James Hattam; Sustaining a vibrant senior secondary curriculum in rural South Australia : Teachers' Learning in the Mid North Senior Secondary School Cooperative, 1999. - Robert James Hattam; Sustaining Teacher Learning as a Dialogic Encounter: Conversing with Pieces of the Puzzle at the Pines School, 1999. - Robert James Hattam; Tackling school leaving at its source: A case of reform in the middle years of schooling, 2003. - Robert James Hattam; Teacher learning: the way out of the school restructuring miasma, 1998. - Robert James Hattam; Teachers' learning in the devolving school, 1999. - Robert James Hattam; Teachers' learning toward the dialogic school - enacting the rhetoric beyond resistance, 1997. - Robert James Hattam; Teachers' learning towards the dialogic school: getting real - enacting a vision and working through resistance, 1997. - Robert James Hattam; The Implementation of SACE: Issues for School Card holders, 1992. - Robert James Hattam; The Implementation of the South Australian Certificate of Education: Issues for School Card Holders. A Report for the Targeted Population Unit, 1992. - Robert James Hattam; The impossibility of listening to early school leavers: implications for middle schooling, 2005. - Robert James Hattam; The School Change Project: Reforming Teaching through Action Research. Six Case Studies, 1993. - Robert James Hattam; The Students Building Just Communities Project, 2003. - Robert James Hattam; Towards a Profile for improving Numeracy for all students, 2003. - Robert James Hattam; Unsettling deficit views of students and their communities, 2005. - Robert James Hattam; We're in for the Long Haul: Middle Schooling for Year 8s at Christies Beach High School, 2001. - Robert James Hattam; Young peoples' perspectives on school, 2007. - Jens Holger Lorenz; Students with special needs, 1998. - Waltraud Holl-Giese; The Holocaust as a topic in elementary school, 1999. - Laura Jarrett; Excessively Intrusive in Light of Age or Sex?: An Analysis of Safford United School District No. 1 v. Redding and its Implications for Strip Searches in Schools, 2010. - Onder Kavakcy; Elementary school teachers' knowledge and attitudes related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, 2010. - Diana Kruger; Coffee production effects on child labor and schooling in rural Brazil, 2007. - Susan Landauer; The Rigors of Freedom: The San Francisco School of Abstract Expressionism, 1993. - Odd Langholm; Economics in the Medieval Schools. Wealth, Exchange, Money and Usury According to the Paris Theological Tradition, 1200-1350, 1992. - Fiona Leach; Gender violence in schools: taking the girls-as-victims discourse forward, 2007. - Julijan Malacko; Relations between variables of body volume and motor abilities with primary school girls, 2007. - Pete Mandik; Academic challenge draws young students to summer program, 1997. - Philipp Mayring; The impact of teachers' instructional strategies and students' anxiety levels on students' achievement in eight grade German and U. S. classrooms, 2000. - Hartmut Melenk; Overcoming the second-language deficits of non-German students, 1999. - Hartmut Melenk; Students at Risk: Educational Strategies in the United States and Germany, 1999. - Mihajlo Mijanovic; Discriminative analysis of parameters of selected and rejected cadet girls for participation in summer school of sport, 2007. - Beth Miller; The Role of Afterschool and Summer in Achievement, 2009. - Mansoor Niaz; Arguments, Contradictions, Resistances, and Conceptual Change in Students' Understanding of Atomic Structure, 2002. - Valerie Ooka Pang; The American Dream and Immigrant Students, 2010. - Milosav Puric; Students and Youth Cooperatives in Serbia, 2010. - Bernd Reinhoffer; Forming categories in qualitative data analysis: The teaching research project Teachers' Attitude and Practice Concerning Elementary Science in Primary School, 2001. - Steve Ritea; 7500 Orleans Parish School Employees Fired, 2005. - Steve Ritea; Algiers Charter School Plan Gets Good Grades, 2005. - Steve Ritea; Students Are Ready, But What About the Schools? 2006. - Janean Robinson; Comments on Reclaiming teaching: A critical ethnography of Cape Heal High School, 2005. - Susan Saulny; Rough Start for Effort to Remake Faltering New Orleans Schools, 2006. - Helen Searing; Housing in Holland and the Amsterdam School, 1972. - James Shymansky; Using Constructivist Ideas to Teach Science Teachers about Constructivist Ideas, or Teachers are Students Too!, 1992. - Dragana Simin; Attitude of health science students towards interprofessional education, 2010. - Zuzana Slobodnikova; The faculty round of the students' scientific conference on ethnology on the St. Cyril and Methodius University in Trnav, 2005. - Nick Summers; Effectiveness of private finance initiatives (PFI): study of private financing for the provision of capital assets for schools, 2007. - Christopher Taber; Selection on Observed and Unobserved Variables: Assessing the Effectiveness of Catholic Schools, 2005. - Stacy Teicher, New Year, New School Concepts in New Orleans, 2006. - Eustace Thompson; Addressing Institutional Structural Barriers to Student Achievement, 2010. - Gregory Thompson; Swings and Roundabouts: Discourses of Connectedness in Secondary Schools, 2003. - Georgios Tsaparlis; Conceptual versus Algorithmic Learning in High School Chemistry: The Case of Basic Quantum Chemical Concepts, 2008. - Ridvan Unal; Students' Description of an Atom: A phenomenographic analysis, 1999. - Seckin Unlu; The Effects of Conceptual Change Texts in Students' Achievement of Atom, Molecule, Matter Concepts, 2000. - Georg Unseld; Risks and stress factors faced by students at school, 1999. - Nicos Valanides; Primary Student Teachers' Understanding of the Particulate Nature of Matter and its Transformations during Dissolving, 2000. - Amy Vandersall; The Ivories of the Court School of Charles the Bald, 1965. - Martha Vicinus; Distance and Desire: English Boarding-School Friendships, 1984. - Hermann Wenzel; Cooperation between regular and special education schools in Baden-Württemberg, 1999. - Hermann Wenzel; Current aspects of furtherance and care of persons with disabilities within and outside school settings in Germany, 1999. - William White; Architecture and Public Buildings, their Relation to School, Academy, and State in Paris and London, 1884. Middle Schooling: Implications for Learning Students |
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