milan golob


installations 1 2 3 3 4 5 6

MILAN GOLOB - The Basic Theory of My Wife
The Basic Theory of My Wife
2010, Gallery of Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia

my friend





Psychogenic Hyperventilation as a Psychosomatic Event

- Muhamed Ajanovic; Periodontal Evaluation of Patients with Ceramic Fused-to-Metal and Acrylate Fused-to-Metal Crowns over a Period of 1 to 5 Years, 2010.

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- Perry Black; Drugs and the Brain: Papers on the Action, Use and Abuse of Psychotropic Agents, 1969.

- Vesna Boric; Collocations in the Language of Dental Medicine: Examples in Oral Medicine, 2010.

- Aida Brenko; Folk Medicine Practitioners, 2004.

- Gordana Cerjan-Letica; A Pyramid of Professional and Business Responsibility in Croatian Dental Medicine, 2010.

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- John Henderson; The Black Death in Florence: Medical and Communal Responses, 1992.

- Fiona Jenkins; Addressing the Crisis of Meaning: Toward a Psycho-theological Reading of the Unconscious, 2004.

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- Romana Katalinic; Hyponatriemia in patient with Aids, 2008.

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- Philipp Mayring; Statement to qualitative research in psychology, 2001.

- James McCranie; Psychodynamics of the Menopause, 1974.

- John Morley; The Endocrine Basis of Geriatric Psychiatry: An Integrative Approach, 2000.

- James MurseIl; Psychology and the Problem of the Scale, 1946.

- Bonnie O'Connor; Understanding Folk Medicine, 2001.

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- Jacquelynne Parsons; Psychosexual Neutrality: Is Anatomy Destiny? 1980.

- Jacquelynne Parsons; The Psychobiology of Sex Differences and Sex Roles, 1980.

- Anna Paszkowska-Rogacz; Effects of unemployment: causal attributions on psychological well-being, 2000.

- Rudolf Radocy; Psychological Foundations of Musical behaviour, 2003.

- Ruzica Radojevic Marjanovic; Clinical Characteristics of Patients Diagnosed with Infectious Mononucleosis, 2009.

- Ivan Radojkovic; Impact of acute exercise on antioxidant enzymes activity and lipid status in blood of patients with hypertension, 2009.

- Velma Rebic, The most comon bacteria cousing of peritonitis in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis, 2008.

- Sulejman Redzic; Collection and Utilization of medicinal plants during the war in Sarajevo, 1997.

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- Natalia Semyonova; Dealing with a Former-Soviet Patient, 1995.

- Predrag Sevic; Installation of Endosteal Implants of ITI Straumann Type in Patients with Partial Toothlessness, 2009.

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- Paula Weideger; Menstruation and Menopause: The Physiology and Psychology, the Myth and Reality, 1976.

- Frederick Burkewood Welborne; Healing as a Psychosomatic Event, 1969.

- Andrzej Wrona; Rare case of both kidneys spontaneous rupture in patient with retroperitoneal fibrosis, 2008.


Psychogenic Hyperventilation as a Psychosomatic Event

