milan golob


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Ana Rock (1862-1900)
Ana Rock (1862-1900)
2011, oil on canvas, 18×21 cm






Ana Rock: Economic Implications of Fuel Economy Improvements

- Vera Araujo; The Economy of Communion, 1996.

- Mustafa Babiker; The Economic Effects of Border Measures in Subglobal Climate Agreements, 2005.

- Terry Barker; The Costs of Kyoto for the US Economy, 2004.

- Julia Barrow; German Cathedrals and the Monetary Economy in the Twelfth Century, 1990.

- Lavinia Baumstark; The Economics of Low Stabilization: Model Comparison of Mitigation Strategies and Costs, 2010.

- Stanley Besen; Comment on Economic Implications of Mandated Efficiency Standards for Household Appliances, 1982.

- Tamas Bezeczky; Studying Globalization in the Roman Economy? A Brief Note on Interpreting the Late Roman Amphorae at Ephesus, 2005.

- Eric Bond; Economic Takeoffs in a Dynamic Process of Globalization, 2005.

- Joseph Boyer; Requiem for Kyoto: An Economic Analysis of the Kyoto Protocol, 1999.

- Stephen Brown; The Kyoto Protocol: An Economic Analysis Using GTEM, 1999.

- Martin Brownbridge; Aid and Fiscal Deficits: Lessons from Uganda on the Implications for Macroeconomic Management and Fiscal Sustainability, 2007.

- David Bubna-Litics; Opening a dialogic space between Buddhism and Economics: The relationship between insight and action, 2007.

- James Butkiewicz; The Effects of IMF and World Bank Lending on Long-Run Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis, 2005.

- Jean Cartelier; The hypostasis of money: an economic point of view, 2007.

- John Cawley; Health insurance coverage and the macroeconomy, 2005.

- Santanu Chatterjee; Financing Public Investment through Foreign Aid: Consequences for Economic Growth and Welfar, 2005.

- Robert Conrad; Separate Accounting Versus Formulary Apportionment: What Can Positive Economics Say? 1985.

- Klaus Deininger; Economic and Welfare Impact of the Abolition of Health User Fees: Evidence from Uganda, 2005.

- Carmen Difiglio; Cost Effectiveness of Future Fuel Economy Improvements, 1990.

- Robin Douthitt; The Relationship Between Measure of Subjective and Economic Well-Being: A New Look, 1992:

- Mimo Draskovic; Contribution to Economic Phenomenology of the Media Globalization, 2010.

- Michael Einhorn; Economic Implications of Mandated Efficiency Standards for Household Appliances: An Extension, 1982.

- Mehdi Farsi; Economies of Scale and Scope in the Swiss Multi-Utilities Sector, 2008.

- Karel Frasch; Guidelines for economic evaluation of treatments for major depression. 2002.

- Shankar Gowri; New Lifelines for Sri Lanka's economy, 2005.

- David Greene; Cafe or Price?: An analysis of the Effects of Federal Fuel Economy Regulations and Gasoline Price on New Car MPG, 1990.

- David Greene; Vehicle Use and Fuel Economy: How Big is the Rebount Effect? 1992.

- Mark Haberlein; Globalisation in the Early Modern Period. The Economic Relationship between Amsterdam and Lisbon, 1640-1705, 2004.

- Galina Hale; Bonds or Loans? The Effect of Macroeconomic Fundamentals, 2007.

- Horst Hanusch; Principles of Neo-Schumpeterian Economics, 2007.

- Winston Harrington; Should Automobile Fuel Economy Standards be Tightened? 2007.

- Simon Heap; A Bottle of Gin is Dangled before the Nose of the Natives: The Economic Uses of Imported Liquor in Southern Nigeria, 2005.

- Noriyoshi Hemmi; The long-term care problem, precautionary saving, and economic growth, 2007.

- Wayne Holstad; Economic Freedom and the Reign and Rule of Law, 1996.

- Gabriela Inchauste; Argentina: Macroeconomic Crisis and Household Vulnerability, 2007.

- Henry Jacoby; CO2 Emissions Limits: Economic Adjustments and the Distribution of Burdens, 1997.

- Robert James Hattam; Teachers' Work in a Globalising Economy, 2000.

- Dale Jorgenson; The Economic Impact of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, 1993.

- Paul Joskow; The Simple Economics of Industrial Cogeneration, 1983.

- Radislav Jovovic; Economic Dimension of Media Globlization, 2010.

- Radislav Jovovic; Information Technologies: Driving Force of New Economy, 2004.

- James Kahn; Fuel Economy Rebound Effect for Household Vehicles, 1999.

- Robert Kaufmann; Limits on the Economic Effectiveness of a Carbon Tax, 1991.

- Abbi MamoKedir; Estimation of Own-and Cross-price Elasticities using Unit Values: Econometric Issues and Evidence from Urban Ethiopia, 2005.

- Daniel Khazzoom; Economic Implication of Mandated Efficiency for Household Appliances, 1980.

- Daniel Khazzoom; Response to Besen and Johnson's Comment on Economic Implications of Mandated Efficiency Standards for Household Appliances, 1982.

- Tony Killick; The Flexible Economy: Causes and Consequences of the Adaptability of National Economies, 1995.

- Tony Killick; The Macroeconomics of Doubling Aid to Africa and the Centrality of the Supply Side, 2007.

- Jae-Cheol Kim; On the Economics of Cogeneration: Pricing and Efficiency in Government Owned Utilities, 1990.

- Son Kim; The Economics of the Kyoto Protocol, 1999.

- Fukunari Kimura; Foreign-owned versus Domestically-owned Firms: Economic Performance in Japan, 2007.

- Mensura Kudumovic; Economic analysis of health, 2008.

- Janet Kursawe; Afghanistan's opium economy cannot be eradicated by military means alone, 2006.

- Florian Kuznik; Local Initiatives in the Process of Economic Restructurisation: The Example of the Upper Silesia Region, 1996.

- Frederic Lee; The Research Assessment Exercise, the state and the dominance of mainstream economics in British universities, 2007.

- Xiaoying Li; Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: An Increasingly Endogenous Relationship, 2005.

- Renata Livraghi; The Economics of Fair Trade, 2007.

- Slobodan Madzic; Cooperatives in world economy crisis and new concept of cooperative revision, 2010.

- Alan Manne; CO2 Emission Limits: An Economic Cost Analysis for the USA, 1990.

- Alan Manne; The Greenhouse Debate: Economic Efficiency, Burden Sharing and Hedging Strategies, 1995.

- Marcin Marczuk; New economy introduction to the concept, 2000.

- Sharon Megdal; On Regulation, Deregulation, and Economics, 1989.

- John Muellbauer; Property Taxation and the Economy after the Barker Review, 2005.

- Esron Munyanziza; Survey of Edible Mushrooms of The Miombo Woodlands Through Economic Incentives in Two Villages of Tanzania, 2006.

- Yoshiki Ogawa; Economic Activity and the Greenhouse Effect, 1991.

- Juliy Olsevich; About psyhogenetical and psihogenetical basis of economic behavior, 2007.

- Hyun Park; Economic growth and convergence with international differences in technology, 2007.

- Geoffrey Parker; Winner Take All: Competition, Strategy, and the Structure of Returns in the Internet Economy, 2005.

- Gramoz Pashko; Obstacles to Economic Reform in Albania, 1993.

- Andrew Pickering; The Discovery Decline Phenomenon: Micro econometric Evidence from the Continental Shelf, 2002.

- Christian Pierdzioch; Home-product bias, capital mobility, and macroeconomic volatility, 2005.

- Gonzague Pillet; Water, Wind and Soil: Hidden Keys to the Water Planet Earth and to Economic Macroprocesses, 1988.

- William Poland; The Importance of Including Uncertainties in Economic Generation of Reliability Planning, 1988.

- Milenko Popovic; Capital Augmenting and Labor Augmenting Approach in Measuring Contribution of Human Capital and Education to Economic Growth, 2004.

- Svetlana Potkonjak; Production and economic effects of irrigation with emphasis on small-scale areas, 2010.

- Eugenio Proto; Land and the transition from a dual to a modem economy, 2007.

- Mirjana Radovic Markovic; New Economy and Global Challenge: Winning Model of Successful Small Business Organizations, 2007.

- Farhad Rassekh; Is International Trade More Beneficial to Lower Income Economies? An Empirical Inquiry, 2007.

- Sulejman Redzic; Ecologiceconomical aspect of biological diversity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2002.

- Luiz Renato Lima; Do shocks last forever? Local persistency in economic time series, 2007.

- Peter Strauss; State Regulation of Decommissioning Economics, 1991.

- Holger Strulik; The Role of Human Capital and Population Growth in R&D-based Models of Economic Growth, 2005.

- Robert Sugden; The road not taken: how psychology was removed from economics, and how it might be brought back, 2007.

- Ronald Sutherland; No Cost Efforts to Reduce Carbon Emissions in the; An Economic Perspective, 2000.

- Margaret Thornton; Universities Upside Down: The Impact of the New Knowledge Economy, 2009.

- Francisco Torres; Institutions, Governance and Economic Growth in the EU: Is There a Role for the Lisbon Strategy? 2007.

- Milan Vukcevic; Economical Profitability Marking of Engineering Project Solutions, 2007.

- Dadanee Vuthipadadorn; Finance, investment, and growth: Time series evidence from 10 Asian economies, 2005.

- William Watson; Maximum Economic Recovery of Federal Coal, 1984.

- Kraft Wetzel; The New German Cinema: Economics without Miracles, 1982.

- Robert Wood; Federal Regulation of Decommissioning Economics, 1991.


Ana Rock: Economic Implications of Fuel Economy Improvements

