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Muriel Duckworth (1908-2009)
Muriel Duckworth (1908-2009)
2011, oil on canvas, 33×36 cm






Muriel Duckworth: American Natural Gas Market

- Asbjorn Aaheim; Costs Savings of a Flexible Multi-Gas Climate Policy, 2006.

- Mohammed Al-Sahlawi; The Demand for Natural Gas: A Survey of Price and Income Elasticities, 1989.

- Kathleen Arano; Price Convergence in Natural Gas Markets: City-Gate and Residential Prices, 2009.

- Avner Arbel; The Differential Impact of Gas Shortages and Fuel Prices Increases on Demand: The Case of the Hotel Industry in New York State, 1983.

- Frank Asche; Natural Gas Demand in the European Household Sector, 2008.

- Ferdinand Banks; European Reliance on Soviet Gas Exports, 1983.

- Roberta Barnes; Short-Run Residential Demand for Natural Gas, 1982.

- Chris Bataille; How Maleable are the Greenhouse Gas Emission Intensities of the G7 Nations? 2007.

- Mark Beltramo; A North American Gas Trade Model (GTM), 1986.

- Alain Bernard; Burden Sharing Within a Multi-Gas Strategy, 2006.

- Mette Bjorndal; Modeling Optimal Economic Dispatch and Externalities in Natural Gas Networks, 2009.

- Susan Bodilly; Supplemental Sources of Natural Gas, 1981.

- Maroeska Boots; Trading in the Downstream European Gas Market: A Successive Oligopoly Approach, 2004.

- Richard Bower; Weather Normalization and Natural Gas Regulation, 1985.

- Rinaldo Brau; EU Gas Industry Reforms and Consumers' Prices, 2010.

- Emile Brinkmann; Regional Limitations on the Hedging Effectiveness of Natural Gas Futures, 1995.

- Dagobert Brito; Expectations and the Evolving World Gas Market, 2007.

- Dagobert Brito; Pricing Natural Gas in Mexico: An Application of the Little-Mirrlees Rule, 2002.

- Harry Broadman; Competition in Natural Gas Pipeline Wellhead Supply Purchases, 1987.

- Harry Broadman; Elements of Market Power in the Natural Gas Pipeline Industry, 1986.

- Harry Broadman; Field Price Deregulation and the Carrier Status of Natural Gas Pipelines, 1985.

- Stephen Brown; Market Arbitrage: European and North American Natural Gas Prices, 2009.

- Stephen Brown; What Drives Natural Gas Prices? 2008.

- Alberto Bustani; The Impact of Natural Gas Imports on Air Pollutant Emissions in Mexico, 1993.

- Janie Chermak; Emerging Environmental Markets: Improving the Competitiveness of Natural Gas, 1994.

- Janie Chermak; Technological Advancement and the Recovery of Natural Gas: The Value of Information, 1995.

- Victor Chwee; Chaos in Natural Gas Futures? 1998.

- Cutler Cleveland; Natural Gas in the; How Far Can Technology Stretch the Resource Base? 1997.

- Ken Costello; After the Natural Gas Bubble: An Economic Evaluation of the Recent National Petroleum Council Study, 2005.

- Milan Cuc; Price Convergence in North American Natural Gas Markets, 1996.

- Terrence Daniel; Canadian Natural Gas Exports to the United States: A Monopolistic Intertemporal Analysis, 1984.

- William Demarest; Lessons from the Origin of the Natural Gas Policy Act, 1982.

- Richard Eckaus; Comparing the Effects of Greenhouse Gas Emissions on Global Warming, 1992.

- Ruud Egging; Representing GASPEC with the World Gas Model, 2009.

- Lucas den Elzen; Long-Term Multi-Gas Scenarios to Stabilise Radiative Forcing - Exploring Costs and Benefits Within an Integrated Assessment Framework, 2006.

- Javier Estrada; Price Elasticities of Natural Gas Demand in France and West Germany, 1989.

- Samuel Fankhauser; The Social Costs of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: An Expected Value Approach, 1994.

- Hossein Farzin; The Economics of Natural Gas Utilization in Developing Countries: Methodology, 1985.

- Brian Fisher; Benefits of Multi-Gas Mitigation: An Application of the Global Trade and Environment Model, 2006.

- Kevin Forbes; Modeling the Growth in Gas Reserves From Known Fields, 2009.

- Michelle Michot Foss; Global Natural Gas Issues and Challenges: A Commentary, 2005.

- Junichi Fujino; Multi-gas Mitigation Analysis on Stabilization Scenarios Using Aim Global Model, 2006.

- Michael German; The Natural Gas Industry in Transition, 1983.

- Rolf Golombek; Effects of Liberalizing the Natural Gas Markets in Western Europe, 1995.

- Rolf Golombek; Increased Competition on the Supply Side of the Western European Natural Gas Market, 1998.

- Catherine Good Abbott; The Need to Deregulate the Natural Gas Policy Act, 1982.

- Chennat Gopalakrishnan; Natural Gas from Seaweed: Is Near-Term R&D Funding by the Gas Industry Warranted? 1985.

- Wafik Grais; Strategic Interdependence in European East-West Gas Trade: A Hierarchical Stackelberg Game Approach, 1996.

- Boyce Greer; European Reliance on Soviet Gas Export: The Yamburg-Urengoi Natural Gas Project, 1982.

- George Hall; Natural Gas Curtailment Policy: Where Do We Go from Here? 1981.

- William Hederman; The Benefits of an Alaskan Natural Gas Pipeline, 1981.

- Francisco Garcia Hernandez; The Economics of Natural Gas in Mexico --Revisited, 1993.

- Hillard Huntington; Natural Gas Across Country Borders: An Introduction and Overview, 2009.

- Christopher Hurst; Markets for Natural Gas in Developing Countries, 1989.

- Henry Jacoby; Effects of Taxes and Price Regulation on Offshore Gas, 1985.

- Jesper Jensen; Flexible Multi-gas Climate Policies, 2006.

- James Jensen; The World Demand for Natural Gas: History and Prospects, 1994.

- Daniel Lashof; EPA's Scenarios for Future Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Global Warming, 1991,

- Michael LeBlanc; The Effects of Natural Gas Decontrol on Fertilizer Demand, Production Costs, and Income in Agriculture, 1985.

- Thomas Lyon; Gas Utility Supply Planning: Risk Management and Regulatory Oversight, 1988.

- Thomas Lyon; Natural Gas Policy: The Unresolved Issues, 1990.

- Kenneth Medlock; Potential Futures for Russian Natural Gas Exports, 2009.

- Peter Meier; Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction: A Case Study of Sri Lanka, 1995.

- Joris Morbee; Russian Gas Imports in Europe: How Does Gazprom Reliability Change the Game? 2010.

- Stocks de Musgrove; The Value of Australia's Natural Gas Resource--A Linear Programming Analysis, 1986.

- Anne Neumann; Linking Natural Gas Markets -- Is LNG Doing its Job? 2009.

- William Nuttall; Nuclear Power: A Hedge against Uncertain Gas and Carbon Prices? 2006.

- Peter Odell; Prospects for Natural Gas in Western Europe, 1992.

- Ferdinand Pavel; Transporting Russian Gas to Western Europe: A Simulation Analysis, 2005.

- Ricardo Raineri; Secondary Market and Futures Market for the Provision of Gas Pipeline Transportation Capacity, 2003.

- Hossein Razavi; Natural Gas Pricing in Countries of the Middle East and North Africa, 2009.

- James Read; Estimating the Cost of Switching Rights on Natural Gas Pipelines, 1989.

- Finn Roar Aune; Globalisation of Natural Gas Markets -- Effects on Prices and Trade Patterns, 2009.

- Joe Roeber; The Development of a UK Natural Gas Spot Market, 1996.

- Adam Rose; Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy in the United States: Identifying Winners and Losers in an Expanded Permit Trading System, 2002.

- Knut Einar Rosendahl; The Global Natural Gas Market: Will Transport Cost Reductions Lead to Lower Prices? 2009.

- John Rowse; Canadian Natural Gas Exports, Domestic Gas Prices, and Future Gas Supply Costs, 1987.

- Peter Russ; Impacts of Multi-gas Strategies for Greenhouse Gas Emission Abatement: Insights from a Partial Equilibrium Model, 2006.

- Apostolos Serletis; Is There an East-West Split in North American Natural Gas Markets? 1997.

- Apostolos Serletis; The North American Natural Gas Liquids Markets are Chaotic, 1999.

- Steven Smith; Multi-Gas Forcing Stabilization with Minicam, 2006.

- Charles Stalon; The Diminishing Role of Regulation in the Natural Gas Industry, 1986.

- Robert Stibolt; A Practitioner's Perspective on Modeling Prices and Trade in a Globalizing Natural Gas Market, 2009.

- Christina Swanson; Residential Gas Cooling: A Life-Cycle Approach, 1986.

- David Teece; Structure and Organization of the Natural Gas Industry: Differences Between the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany and Implications for the Carrier Status of Pipelines, 1990.

- Richard Tol; Multi-Gas Emission Reduction for Climate Change Policy: An Application of Fund, 2006.

- Richard Tol; The Marginal Costs of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 1999.

- Arlon Tussing; The Outlook for Supplemental Gas, 1980.

- Rocio Uria; The Supply-of-Storage for Natural Gas in California, 2007.

- Zia Wadud; Gasoline Demand with Heterogeneity in Household Responses, 2010.

- David Walls; An Econometric Analysis of the Market for Natural Gas Futures, 1995.

- David Walls; Pipeline Access and Market Integration in the Natural Gas Industry: Evidence from Cointegration Tests, 1993.

- David Walls; Price Convergence Across Natural Gas Field and City Markets, 1994.

- Jack Wilkinson; The Supply, Demand and Average Price of Natural Gas under Free-Market Conditions, 1983.

- Arthur Wright; Gordian Knot of Natural Gas Prices, 1982.

- Zhen Zhu; Enron Online and Informational Efficiency in the Natural Gas Market, 2004.

- Gijsbert Zwart; European Natural Gas Markets: Resource Constraints and Market Power, 2009.


Muriel Duckworth: American Natural Gas Market

