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Susan Rotolo (1943-2011)
Susan Rotolo (1943-2011)
2011, oil on canvas, 35×36 cm






Susan Rotolo: Climate Policies and Political Discourse Analysis

- Gerard Adams; Petroleum Price Elasticity, Income Effects, and OPEC's Pricing Policy, 1984.

- Sirkka Ahonen; The End of the Common School? Change in the Ethos and Politics of Education in Finland Towards the End of the 1990s, 2001.

- John Aldrich; Why Parties? The Origin and Transformation of Party Politics in America, 1995.

- Joseph Aldy; Issues in Designing Climate Change Policy, 2009.

- Milan Aleksic; New Political Architecture of the 21st Century, 2007.

- Eric Alterman; Sound and Fury: The Washington Punditocracy and the Collapse of American Politics, 1992.

- James Ang; Finance and politics: the wealth effects of special interest group influence during the nationalisation and privatisation of Conrail, 2007.

- Manel Antelo; Soft Fiscal Policies for a Polluting Monopolist, 2009.

- Derek Attridge; Oppressive silence: J.M. Coetzee's Foe and the politics of canonisation, 1996.

- Feona Attwood; Call-Girl Diaries: New representations of cosmopolitan sex work, 2010.

- Sara Banaszak; Demand for Ground Transportation Fuel and Pricing Policy in Asian Tigers: A Comparative Study of Korea and Taiwan, 1999.

- Abhijit Banerjee; The political economy of public goods: Some evidence from India, 2007.

- Jean Baudrillard; For a Critique of Political Economy of Sign, 1981.

- Ralf Bebenroth; Monetary Policy, 2007.

- Nathaniel Beck; Elections and the Fed: Is There a Political Monetary Cycle? 1987.

- Elisabeth Berg, Jim Barry and John Chandler; Essentially Political: Gender and the Politics of Care in Mumbai, 2010.

- Sami Bibi; Equity and policy effectiveness with imperfect targeting, 2007.

- John Birge; Incorporating Investment Uncertainty into Greenhouse Policy Models, 1996.

- Sidney Blumenthal; The Permanent Campaign: Inside the World of Political Operatives, 1980.

- Graham Boettcher; Domestic Violence: Familial and Political Conflict in the Work of Emanuel Leutze, 2006.

- Janice Bogstad; Gender and Political Violence, 2010.

- Christoph Bohringer; Climate Politics from Kyoto to Bonn: From Little to Nothing? 2002.

- Tadeusz Borkowski; Dilemmas of policy on LMT industries. The Polish case David Jacobson and Kevin Heanue; Policy conclusions and recommendations, 2005.

- Mineke Bosch; Gender and the Personal in Political Biography: Observations from a Dutch Perspective, 2009.

- Carol Bove; The Politics of Desire in Julia Kristeva, 1984.

- Sezgin Boynik; Boris Buden's Silent Albanians Politics as Nondiscursivity, 2005.

- William Bratton; What We've Learned About Policing, 2000.

- James Buchanan; Polluters, Profits and Political Responses: Direct Control Versus Taxes, 1975.

- Dallas Burtraw; Modeling Economy-wide vs. Sectoral Climate Policies Using Combined Aggregate-Sectoral Models, 2006.

- Carlo Carraro; How Does Climate Policy Affect Technical Change? An Analysis of the Direction and Pace of Technical Progress in a Climate-economy Model, 2009.

- David Carroll; Rephrasing the Political with Kant and Lyotard: From Aesthetic to Political Judgments, 1984.

- Berenice Carroll; To Crush Him in Our Own Country: The Political Thought of Virginia Woolf, 1978.

- Duane Chapman; Decommissioning and Nuclear Waste Policy: Comprehensive or Separable? 1991.

- Stephen Chilton; Looking the Other in the Eye as a Guide for Policymaking, 2007.

- Claudia Chittim; Repatriating Ethnographic Material: a Legal and Ethical Analysis of Repatriation Policies and Ongoing Repatriation Initiatives to Deaccession Human Remains, 2001.

- Roger Cobb; Individual Orientations in the Study of Political Symbolism, 1972.

- Donald Coes; Macroeconomic Crises: Politics and Growth in Brazil, 1995.

- Richard Cohen; Levinas and Spinoza: Science, Morality, Politics, 2011.

- Richard Cohen; Political Monotheism: Levinas on Politics, Ethics and Religion, 2003.

- Richard Cohen; Signifying a Spiritual Politics in the Age of Secularity: Spinoza, Nietzsche and Levinas, 2008.

- Christopher Coker; The Mandarin and the Commissar: The Political Thought of Noam Chomsky, 1987.

- Jonathan Conning; Property rights and the political organization of agriculture, 2007.

- Anthony Corado; Elections in Cyberspace: Toward a New Era in American Politics, 1996.

- Jennifer Creech; A Few Good Men: Gender, Ideology, and Narrative Politics in The Lives of Others and Good Bye, Lenin!, 2010.

- Ivor Crewe; Political Communications; Why Labour Won the General Election Campaign of 1997, 1998.

- Wojciech Cwalina; Decision Processes in Perception in the Political Preferences Research: A Comparative Analysis of Poland, France and Germany, 1999.

- Adam Czarnota; Transitional Justice, the Post-Communist Post-Police State and the Losers and Winners. An Overview of the Problem, 2009.

- Alan Davies; Skills, Outlooks, Passions: A Psychoanalytic Contribution to the Study of Politics, Cambridge UP, 1980;

- Antoine de Baecque; The Body Politic: Corporeal Metaphor in Revolutionary France 1770-1800, 1997.

- Wije Dias; Sri Lankan Court Ruling Over Aid Deal: a Sign of Sharp Political Tensions, 2005.

- Sel Dibooglu; Sources of inflation and output movements in Poland and Hungary: Policy implications for accession to the economic and monetary union, 2005.

- Chengri Ding; Policy and praxis of land acquisition in China, 2007.

- Scott DuBoff; Divided Authority: Federal vs. State Policy Roles in Decommissioning Economics, 1991.

- Alan Duncan; The Internationalization of Public Welfare Policy, 2005.

- Thomas Dye; Policy Analysis: What Governments do, Why They Do It and What Difference It Makes, 1976.

- David Easton; A Systems Analysis of Political Life, 1965.

- David Easton; Youth and the Political System, 1961.

- Murray Edelman; The Symbolic Uses of Politics, 1964.

- Sylvester Eijffinger; Productivity, Growth Potential and Monetary Policy in EMU, 2007.

- Marc Allen Eisner; Antitrust and the Triumph of Economics: Institutions, Expertise and Policy Change, 1991.

- Charles Evans; Nominal Rigidities and the Dynamic Effects of a Shock to Monetary Policy, 2005.

- Arlette Farge and Jacques Revel; The Vanishing Children of Paris: Rumor and Politics Before the French Revolution,

- Joanne Faulkner; From Emile to Peter Pan: The Figure of the Child in the Middle-Class Political Imagination, 2010.

- Joanne Faulkner; Innocence and the Political Community: Agency in Agamben, and Beyond, 2008.

- Joanne Faulkner; Innovation and Biopolitics: Considering those events which sediment in me a meaning as the invitation to a sequel, the necessity of a future, 2008.

- Joanne Faulkner; Interpretation or Autobiography? Kofman's Reading(s) of Nietzsche as a Politics of Being Jewish, 2005.

- Joanne Faulkner; The Idea of Political Compassion, 2010.

- Bogomil Ferfila; Budgeting, Management and Policymaking, 1999.

- Thomas Ferguson; Right Turn: The Decline of the Democrats and the Future of American Politics, 1986.

- Chris Fox; The Personal is Political, 2010.

- Robert Friedenberg; Communication Consultants in Political Campaigns, 1997.

- Robert Friedenberg; Political Campaign Communication, 1991.

- Suzanne Garment; Scandal: The Crisis of Mistrust in American Politics, 1991.

- Marja Gastelaars; Morality Materialized: Notes on Public Prevention as a Policy System, 1992.

- Marja Gastelaars; What Do Buildings Do? The Health Policy System and the Materialization of Morality, 1992.

- Michael Genovese; Politics and the Cinema: An Introduction to Political Films, 1987.

- Madanmohan Ghosh; R&D Policies and Endogenous Growth: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis of the Case for Canada, 2007.

- Felix Gilbert; Bernardo Rucellai and the Orti Oricellari: a Study on the Origin of Modern Political Thought, 1949.

- Kenneth Gillingham; Learning-by-Doing and the Optimal Solar Policy in California, 2008.

- Henry Giroux; Stealing Innocence: The Politics of Child Beauty Pageants, 1998.

- Rajeev Goel; The Political Economy of Motor Fuel Taxation, 1999.

- Noriyuki Goto; An Analysis of the Macro-Economic Costs of Various CO2 Emission Control Policies in Japan, 1993.

- Doris Graber; Mass Media and American Politics, 1993.

- Doris Graber; Political Languages, in Handbook of Political Communication, 1981.

- Andrew Gray; Policy analysis in British Central Government: The experience of PAR, 1983.

- Edward Greenberg; Capitalism and the American Political Ideal, 1985.

- Fred Greenstein, The Benevolent Leader: Children's Images of Political Authority, 1960.

- Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse; The directions of future changes in the EU Cohesion Policy. Selected topics of the 2008-2010 debate, 2010.

- Elizabeth Grosz; Space, Time and Perversion. Essays on the Politics of the Bodies, 1995.

- David Groves; A new analytic method for finding policy-relevant scenarios, 2007.

- Mark Haberlein; Country Ideology, Republicanism, and the Foreign Policy of the Early Republic: The Case of Thomas Jefferson, 1996.

- Kenneth Hacker; Political Linguistic Discourse Analysis, 1996.

- Henrik Hammar; Political Economy Obstacles to Fuel Taxation, 2004.

- Andrew Hammond; Balkanism in Political Context: From the Ottoman Empire to the EU, 2006.

- Michael Hanemann; The Role of Emission Trading in Domestic Climate Policy, 2009.

- Bernard Harcourt; Illusions of Order: The False Promise of Broken Windows Policing, 2002.

- Richard Harris and Sidney Milkis; The Politics of Regulatory Change, 1988.

- Reginald Harrison; Pluralism and Corporatism, The Political Evolution of Modern Democracies, 1980.

- Robert James Hattam; Neo-liberal political deafness to educational inequality, 2004.

- Robert James Hattam; Nurturing democratic relationships in schools against policy hatred, 2001.

- Robert James Hattam; Remaking teaching: Ideology, policy and practice, 1996.

- Robert James Hattam; Remembering teachers' learning in a context of policy forgetting, 2000.

- Robert James Hattam; The Effects of an Advanced Skills Teacher Classification on Teachers' Work: From Storied Accounts to Policy Insight, 1998.

- Robert James Hattam; The politics of collaborative research: Doing ethnography with an industry partner, 1998.

- Robert James Hattam; Thinking past a left-right frame-up: Towards ethico-politics, 2007.

- Robert James Hattam; Towards a contemporary politics of teachers' work: reclaiming an educators' sensibility, 1999.

- Agnes Heller; The Concept of the Political Revisited, 1991.

- James Hentz; South Africa and the political economy of regional cooperation in Southern Africa, 2005.

- Edward Herman; Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, 1988.

- Douglas Hibbs; Political Parties and Macroeconomic Policy, 1977.

- Michael Hill; New Agendas in the Study of the Policy Process, 1993.

- John Hird; Policy Analysis for What? The Effectiveness of Nonpartisan Policy Research Organizations, 2005.

- David Howarth; An Archeology of Political Discourse? Evaluating Michel Foucault's Explanation and Critique of Ideology, 2002.

- David Howarth; Hegemony, Political Subjectivity and Radical Democracy, 2004.

- Evelyne Huber; Politics and Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2005.

- Marija Ilic; The EU Telecommunication Policy, 2007.

- Shanto Iyengar; Is Anyone Responsible? How Television Frames Political Issues, 1991.

- Paul Jackson; Chiefs, money and politicians: rebuilding local government in post-war Sierra Leone, 2005.

- Gary Jacobson; The Politics of Congressional Elections1992.

- Henry Jacoby; Adjustment Time, Capital Malleability and Policy Cost, 1999.

- Urszula Jakubowska; Approval for Politicians and Political Ideas: Who Supports Whom and Why? 1999.

- Fiona Jenkins; Bare Life: Asylum-Seekers, Australian Politics and Agamben's Critique of Violence, 2004.

- Fiona Jenkins; Humorous Commitments and Non-Violent Politics, 2009.

- Fiona Jenkins; The Heeding of Differences: On Foreclosure and Openness in a Politics of the Performative, 2001.

- Markku Kangaspuro; Nationalities Policy and Power in Soviet Karelia in the 1920s and 1930s, 1998.

- David Kertzer; Politics and Symbols: The Italian Communist Party and the Fall of Communism, 1996.

- Stuti Khemani; Does delegation of fiscal policy to an independent agency make a difference? Evidence from intergovernmental transfers in India, 2007.

- Alexander Kluge; The Political as Intensity of Everyday Feelings, 1986.

- Marcel Kok; Managing the Low-Carbon Transition - From Model Results to Policies, 2010.

- Benedikt Korf; Rethinking the Greed-Grievance Nexus: Property Rights and the Political Economy of War in Sri Lanka, 2005.

- Keijo Korhonen; Autonomous Finland in the Political Thought of 19th Century Russia, 1967.

- Mark Kosmo; OCS Leasing Policy: Its Effects on the Structure of the Petroleum Industry, 1985.

- Page Kyle; Climate Policy and the Long-Term Evolution of the Buildings Sector, 2010.

- Xavier Labandeira; Climate Change Policies after 2012, 2009.

- Walter Labys; Stability of Appalachian Coal Shipments under Policy Variation, 1981.

- Ernesto Laclau; Identity and Hegemony: The Role of Universality in the. Constitution of Political Logics, 2000.

- Ernesto Laclau; Subject of Politics, Politics of the Subject, 1995.

- Everett Ladd; The Growth of News Polls in American Politics, 1992.

- Lester Lave; Formulating Greenhouse Policies in a Sea of Uncertainty, 1991.

- Henrik Lebuhn; Community Gardening and Grassroots Politics in the Neoliberal City, 2011.

- Henrik Lebuhn; Immigration & the City: Creating Inclusion through Politics, 2010.

- Peter de Leon; I'm Vexed Again / Perplexed Again...; An Alternative View of the Politics of Ideas, 2005.

- Julie Levin Russo; Show Me Yours: Cyber-Exhibitionism from Perversion to Politics, 2010.

- Helen Liebel-Weckowicz; The politics of poverty and reform: Modernization and reform in eighteenth-century, 1981.

- Andrew London, Saul Schwartz and Ellen Scott; Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Data in Welfare Policy Evaluations in the United States, 2007.

- Andreas Loschel; Efficiency Gains from What-Flexibility in Climate Policy An Integrated CGE Assessment, 2006.

- David Luscombe; Introduction: The Formation of Political Thought in the West, 1988.

- Alynna Lyon; Moral Motives and Policy Actions: The Case of Dag Hammarskjold at the United Nations, 2007.

- Gordon MacKerron; Decommissioning Costs and British Nuclear Policy, 1991.

- Roberto Marchionatti; On the application of mathematics to political economy. The Edgeworth-Walras-Bortkievicz controversy, 2007.

- Louis Marin; The Body-of-Power and Incarnation at Port-Royal and in Pascal, or of the Figurability of the Political Absolute, 1989.

- Emilia Masson; Hattusili It's Political Testament: still and always, 2005.

- Lars Mathiesen; Climate Policy and the Steel Industry: Achieving Global Emissions Reductions, an Incomplete Climate Agreement, 2004.

- Gerald McDermott; The Politics of Institutional Renovation and Economic Upgrading: Recombining the Vines That Bind in Argentina, 2007.

- Charles Howard McIlwain; The Growth of Political Thought in the West: From the Greeks to the End of the Middle Ages, 1932.

- Maurie McInnis; The Politics of Tasts: Classicism in Charleston, 1996.

- Brian McNair; Performance in Politics and the Politics of Performance: Public Relations, the Public Sphere and Democracy, 1996.

- Erik Melander; Political Gender Equality and State Human Rights Abuse, 2005.

- Nikola Mikasinovic; The Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU: Myth or Reality, 2007.

- Colin Morris; Policy and Visions: The case of the Holy Lance at Antioch, 1984.

- Karl Morrison; The Two Kingdoms: Ecclesiology in Carolingian Political Thought, 1964.

- Jay Morse; Regulatory Policy Regarding Distributed Generation, Utilities: The Impact of Restructuring, 1998.

- Sasa Mrduljas; International Community Polity Proposal for Bosnia and Herzegovina according to Cutileiro's Plan, 2009.

- Harsha Munasinghe; The Politics of the Past: Constructing a National Identity through Heritage Conservation, 2005.

- Steven Muzzo; The Effects of Decontrol Policy Options, 1982.

- Evan Mwangi; Passion in a Mathree: Metropolitan Love in Nazizi Hirji's Kenyan Girl/Kenyan Boy Heather Day Falling out of Love with Hip-Hop, 2009.

- Masako Nakamura; Miss Atom Bomb Contests in Nagasaki and Nevada: The Politics of Beauty, Memory, and the Cold War, 2009.

- Bruce Newman; Politics in an Age of Manufactured Images, 1999.

- Bruce Newman; Politics in an Age of Manufactured Images, 1999.

- Dan Nimmo and James Combs; Subliminal Politics: Myths and Mythmakers in America, 1980.

- Dan Nimmo; The Field of Political Communication: Beyond the Voter Persuasion Paradigm, 1990.

- John Nyboer; Modeling the Cost of Climate Policy: Distinguishing Between Alternative Cost Definitions and Long-Run Cost Dynamics, 2003.

- Theodore Palivos; Optimal monetary policy with heterogeneous agents: a case for inflation, 2005.

- Tapio Palokangas; International Labor Union Policy and Growth with Creative Destruction, 2005.

- Demetrios Papathanasiou; Uncertainties in Responding to Climate Change: On The Economic Value of Technology Policies for Reducing Costs and Creating Options, 2001.

- Ian Parry; Early Emission Reduction Programs: An Application to CO2 Policy, 2002.

- Martin Pasqualetti; The Place of Economics in Decommissioning Policy, 1991.

- Begona Peco; Policy impact on desertification: stakeholders' perceptions in southeast Spain, 2005.

- Michael Pfau; The Impact of Relational Messages on Candidate Influence in Televised Political Debates, 1991.

- Deborah Phillips; The Effects of Universal Pre-K in Oklahoma: Research Highlights and Policy Implications, 2005.

- Greg Philo; Identity and Hegemony: the Role of Universality in the Constitution of Political Logics, 2000.

- Greg Philo; Politics, Polemics and Academics: An Interview by Paul Bowman, 1999.

- Greg Philo; Why Constructing a People Is the Main Task of Radical Politics, 2006.

- Melissa Poague; Policy Coherence and Component-Driven Policymaking: Arctic Policy in Canada and the United States, 2005.

- John Pocock; Verbalizing a Political Act: Toward a Politics of Speech, 1984.

- Thorsten Polleit; Money and Inflation - Lessons from the USA for ECB Monetary Policy, 2007.

- David Popp; Comparison of Climate Policies in the ENTICE-BR Model, 2006.

- Alan Prout; Participation, policy and the changing conditions of childdhood, 2003.

- Maureen Purcell; Papal Crusading Policy: The Chief Instruments of Papal Crusading Policy and Crusade to the Holy Land from the Final Loss of Jerusalem to the Fall of Acre, 1975.

- Marian Radetzki; Coal or Nuclear in New Power Stations: The Political Economy of an Undesirable but Necessary Choice, 2000.

- Jacques Ranciere; Politics, Identification and Subjectivization, 1995.

- Shilpa Rao; Importance of Technological Change and Spillovers in Long-Term Climate Policy, 2006.

- John Raven; Can We Discuss Policy if Nothing is What it Seems to Be, 1997.

- Barreiro Rivas; The Construction of Political Space: Symbolic and Cosmological Elements, 1999.

- Tom Rosenstiel; Strange Bedfellows: How Television and the Presidential Candidates Changed American Politics, 1993.

- Orvika Rosnes; The Impact of Climate Policies on the Operation of a Thermal Power Plant, 2008.

- Judith-Rae Ross; Trends Not Tallied, Opinions Not Polled: A Politician Looks at the Past and Three Election's Significance for the Future, 1999.

- Molly Rowan; Words: Weapons of Mass Distraction. Mapping the current political discourse of othering the Others, 2003.

- Michael Rowlands; The Politics of Identity in Archaeology, 1994.

- Nicolai Rubinstein; Marsilius of Padua and Italian Political Thought of His Time, 1965.

- Maja Sahadzic; The Electoral System of Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Short Review of Political Matter and/or Technical Perplexion, 2009.

- Barry Sautman; Peking Man and the Politics of Paleoanthropological Nationalism in China, 2001.

- Werner Schiffauer; Islamism in the diaspora, The fascination of political Islam among second generation German Turks, 1999.

- Richard Schmalensee; Comparing Greenhouse Gases for Policy Purposes, 1993.

- Charles Schultze; Memos to the President: A Guide Through Macroeconomic for the Busy Policymaker, 1992.

- Bob Scribner; Police and the Territorial State in Sixteenth-Century Wurttemberg, 1987.

- Bob Scribner; The Mordbrenner Fear in Sixteenth-Century Germany: Political Paranoia or the Revenge of the Outcast? 1988.

- Camille Serchuk; Images of Paris in the Middle Ages: Patronage and Politics, 1997.

- Russell Shorto; All Political Ideas Are Local, 2005.

- Corazon Siddayao; Asian Petroleum Pricing Policies Revisited, 1988.

- Robert Siegel; The Assumption about the Learning of Political Values, 1965.

- Leon Sigal; Reporters and Officials: The Organization and Politics of News Reporting, 1973.

- Quentin Skinner; Language and Political Change, 1989.

- Quentin Skinner; Problems in the Analysis of Political Thought, 1988.

- Larry David Smith; Cordial Concurrence: Orchestrating National Party Conventions in the Telepolitical Age, 1991.

- Carrie Smith-Prei; Satirizing the Private as Political: 1968 and Postmillennial Family Narratives, 2010.

- Chris Sparks; Liberalism, Terrorism and the Politics of Fear, 2003.

- Harold Sprout; Toward a Politics of the Planet Earth, 1971.

- Susan Squier; The Politics of City Space in The Years: Street Love, Pillar Boxes and Bridges, 1981.

- Dale Squires; Overfishing in the Gulf of Thailand: policy challenges and bioeconomic analysis, 2007.

- Ryszard Stocki; From academic achievement to service tasks: An attempt at finding a reliable tool for evaluating the quality of education at Polish universities, 2002.

- Alan Sutherland; Cost-push shocks and monetary policy in open economies, 2005.

- James Sweeney; On Economic Policy Responses to Disruptions: A Reply to Harry Saunders, 1989.

- Jose Tharakan; Political Attitude of the Non-Voters in Switzerland, 1983.

- Joanne Thompson; Images of Vesta and the Vestal Virgins in Roman State Religion and Imperial Policy of the First and Second Centuries A.D., 2005.

- Sasa Todorovic; Impact of Agrarian Policy Measures on Economic Status of the Wheat Producers in the Republic of Serbia, 2010.

- Zoran Tomic; Political Public Relations - Information Management Strategy, 2010.

- Rong-Sheng Tong; The donation drug of Wenchuan earthquake - focus on Chinese national drug policy, 2010.

- Stacey Tovino; Scientific Understandings of Postpartum Illness: Improving Health Law and Policy? 2010.

- Anna Triandafyllidou; The hierarchy of Greekness: Ethnic and national identity considerations in Greek immigration policy, 2002.

- James Tully; The Pen is a Mighty Sword: Quentin Skinner's Analysis of Politics, 1988.

- Mirjana Vajdic-Bajic; The Cosmopolitan Shine of Belgrade Interiors New Generation, 2005.

- Dejan Vercic; The Politics Of Total Communication, 1999.

- Neven Vidakovic; The Impact of the Choice of Monetary Policy on Households, 2007.

- David Vogel; Fluctuating Fortunes: The Political Power of Business in the United States, 1989.

- Uwe Vollmer; Bank of Japan versus Eurosystem - A Comparison of Monetary Policy Institutions and Conduct in Japan and in the Euro Area, 2007.

- Michael Walzer; On Negative Politics, 1996.

- Michael Walzer; On the Role of Symbolism in Political Thought, 1967.

- Miao Wang; Learning dynamics in monetary policy: The robustness of an aggressive inflation stabilizing policy, 2005.

- Manon van de Water; Politics and Theatre Pedagogy in the US, 2008.

- Richard Waterman; Put Your Tongue Back: A Muffled Response to the Ken Meier's Politics of Ideas, 2005.

- Mort Webster; The Curious Role of Learning in Climate Policy: Should We Wait for More Data? 2002,

- Peter Weibel; Space is beyond geopolitics, Parallel institutional spaces, virtual and telematic spaces, 1997.

- David Weimer; Policy Analysis: Concept and Practice, 1991.

- John Whalley; Cutting CO2 Emissions: The Effects of Alternative Policy Approaches, 1991.

- John Kenneth White, Political Parties and the Collapse of the Old Orders, 1998.

- Ray Lewis White; Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas: A Reference Guide, 1984.

- Louise White; Policy Analysis as Discourse, 1994.

- Edward Williams; Petroleum Policy and Mexican Domestic Politics: Left Opposition, Regional Dissidence, and Official Apostasy, 1980.

- Graham Wilson; Only in America ? The Politics of the United States in Comparative Perspective, 1998.

- David Wood; Received Wisdom in agricultural land use policy: 10 years on from, 2005.

- Gary Woodward; Perspectives on American Political Media, 1997.

- Julia Wrchota-Kulkarni; The American market of Chinese porcelain 1600 - 1900: the interplay of taste, politics, personality and economic reality within the industry and the nation, 2003.

- Theodore Jun Yoo; The Biography of Ch'oe Yong-suk and the Politics of Gender in Colonial Korea, 2009.

- Elliot Zashin; The Uses of Metaphor and Analogy: Toward a Renewal of Political Language, 1974.


Susan Rotolo: Climate Policies and Political Discourse Analysis

